Assembly 7th September 2015

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7 Responses to Assembly 7th September 2015

  1. Year 5 says:

    Liam and Grace said that the Emperor chose Ling because he was honest and didn’t cheat. Harry said that we should have a school rule about not copying each others’ work. Anjali said we should have a rule in school that we must not lie.

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 loved this story and remembered lots of details. They knew that Ling followed the instructions planting his seed carefully and made no changes. He also told the truth so the Emperor chose him to be his successor. We had lots of ideas about rules that we need to follow in school; Caring for our school, not shouting out, no running, speaking politely with kind words and listening to instructions are all important rules to keep us safe in school.

  3. Year 6 says:

    Some of our ‘top rules’ are:
    – Not to talk when an adult or a class mate is talking.
    – To show respect to others.
    – Come to school on time.
    – Be polite to others and do not retaliate if a teacher speaks to you.
    – Wear the right school uniform.
    – Do not run in the corridors.

  4. Miss Payne and Year 2 says:

    In Year 2 we keep safe by not running in the hall, looking both ways before we cross the road, tell a grown up when you need the toilet in case there is a fire drill, stay close to mum and dad when walking to school, not hit other people on the playground, make sure mums and dads know where you are and cross the road with an adult.
    We also looked at our Class Charter.
    Year 2 x

  5. Foundation says:

    Foundation really enjoyed the story, especially when they were able to tell Miss Mason that a plant needs sunshine and water to grow. I think Miss Mason was really impressed with our responses. All the children loved the story and have been working hard to learn the rules in school. Lots of the children commented on how important it is to be honest.

  6. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 thinks that in order to keep everyone safe we need to follow the following rules:
    -Respect everyone in the class.
    -To stand back from the fire in Forest School.
    -No running in the halls.
    -No calling people names.
    -When using the computer or iPads only go on what the teacher has told you to.
    -Be sensible and kind at play time.

  7. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 enjoyed the assembly this week and shared in class what rules we need to have so that we are all safe and happy. Year 3 said it was particularly important we were polite to everyone and helped each other as much as possible so that we could all enjoy school.

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