F2 19.09.14

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20 Responses to F2 19.09.14

  1. Haydn Inman says:

    Haydn and Tyler played a rhyming game, and found the following words rhymed with blue : dew, stew, do, you, boo, brew, clue, flew, grew and loo.
    The different shades of blue Haydn found are dark blue, light blue, white blue, deep blue, navy blue, eggshell blue, turquoise and sky blue.

  2. Harvey says:

    Harvey and myself spoke about the colour blue.We came up with several words which rhyme with blue such as ‘new’, ‘flew’, ‘grew’, ‘loo’ and Harvey’s personal favourite…’poo!'(sorry!!)
    We spoke about the different shades of blue, such as light blue or pale blue.We spoke about dark blue which we thought could also be described as navy blue.

  3. Borys says:

    Borys loved the blue challenge! He found lots of blue objects, all of them in different shapes and shades. The one he liked the most was our bright blue car. We also had a good fun trying to find as many words as we could that rhyme with ‘blue’. Borys’ favourite ones were: blue-Scooby doo, blue-moo, blue-choo choo, blue-shoe, blue-two, blue-you, blue-bamboo, blue-kangaroo, blue-thank you, blue-zoo, blue-queue.

  4. Lotte says:

    Lotte came up with quite a few rhyming words for blue. We tried to find the opposite of the word or remember times when we used/seen/been in it.
    We had ‘few’ with an opposite of lots.
    ‘New’ with the opposite old.
    We also read ‘the blue balloon’ – an old time favourite (held together with lots of tape). Lotte liked the page with lots of ‘e’ for stre-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-etched and of course the final page where is becomes a rainbow balloon.

  5. Aaliyah says:

    Aaliyah was a bit unsure about works that rhymed with blue. She thought by adding extra sounds or letter to the word blue she could make new words. Ie Balloon (spoken blue- ooo-ne).
    We got there in the end and found by changing the first letter β€˜b’ of blue we could make new rhyming words such as; new, shoe, glue, grew, though, threw, loo and chew.
    We discussed how the sky can look blue. Also the sea and swimming pools are blue; however water in colour is clear.

  6. Daniel Hillidge says:

    Daniel enjoyed coming up with words sounding like blue.. He was particularly pleased with “chew” and “who”, but also “poo”- fair enough! It certainly does rhyme with blue….
    We also thought of moo, two, clue, glue, zoo, true, queue, boo, you.

    We talked about light and dark blue coloured things in the house, and also turquoise and royal blue pyjamas.

  7. Isla says:

    Isla’s 7 year old cousin Millie was here for a sleepover on Saturday so was able to help as Isla initially struggled with the rhyming. She soon got the hang, and the giggles, when she realised that poo rhymed, then quickly reeled off zoo, goo, chew, new, stew, two…

    There isn’t much blue in our house (poor Daddy!) but Isla noticed the sky was very bright blue on Sunday πŸ˜‰

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Well done for working so hard Isla, maybe you could make some blue binoculars for Daddy then everything would be blue πŸ™‚

  8. Poppy says:

    Poppy found lots of things that were blue, including clothing, toothbrush, shower gel, Words that rhyme included shoe, zoo, boo, clue, chew, you, two! I think Poppy got too carried away thinking of things that were blue! :0)

  9. Ben says:

    Ben thought of lots of words that rhyme with blue…clue, glue, two, boo, shoe, who, queue, flew, new, do, Sue, poo, loo, moo, coo, grew, stew, cockadoodledoo!
    We talked about different shades of blue including dark, light, navy, royal, duck egg and sky.
    He seemed to enjoy this challenge.

  10. Adam says:

    Adam worked out that the words ‘who’ ‘moo’ ‘glue’ ‘you’ and unfortunately ‘poo’ rhyme with blue. He also found lots of different shades of blue around the home. On his turtle Leo’s blue bandana, his blue jeans his dark blue coat lining, his dad’s wrist band and the light on the vision box to name a few. He noticed the different shades of blue including sky/pale blue, dark and royal blue. Adam found this fun!

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