F1 19.09.14

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23 Responses to F1 19.09.14

  1. James mommy says:

    James has had fun finding blue things. He pointed out in our lounge that our box of lego was blue and a puzzle box on the shelf was blue. He also was playing with his brothers blue plasticine on the weekend and when I asked what colour his hands were he grinned at me and said ‘Blue!’. James keeps running to the window and pointing to the sky and saying ‘Mummy look! Blue sky!!’ I guess we had better look as it won’t be long till it’s grey!

    James love ‘The Blue Balloon’ by Mike Inkpen so I’m sure he will love nursery this week!

  2. Alices mommy says:

    Alice found lots of ‘blue’ items in our house, M&M chocolates to start (well theres a surprise item 1 on the list), Tesco shopping bag, recipe card and upstairs a blue bath sponge and her electric toothbrush and in the garden her big blue slide…weehee!! We then had fun playing Guess the Animal by first hearing the noise it made on Phonicsplay

  3. Charlie says:

    Mommy and I have had fun hunting blue items at home, we have found lots of them! my favourite though is my big brothers Tommy’s blue bedroom !!!

  4. Milly's Mummy says:

    Milly has spotted lots of blue cars and vans. The bus stop was blue and she found blue crayons and felts and used
    them to create a blue picture.

  5. Audrey Reynolds says:

    Ollie’s favourite colour is blue and he can name a few different shades, as in navy, royal, and light and dark blue.
    Our blue challenge started with Ollie’s big helium 4th birthday balloon. Along with this, he noted that his silly squirty string was also blue! (As it was squirted all over the lounge….) He has a favourite Spiderman blue snack bowl and uses a blue spoon for his breakfast cereals. His old pre-school folder is in the kitchen and he pointed out that it is blue. He also noted that the handwash in our toilets are blue, and the candle holder in the downstairs toilet is blue, with stripes.
    Outside we watched the blue sky and a blue car. He is really looking forward to making his blueberry muffins!

  6. Sarah Clarke Lily-Mae's mummy says:

    Lily-Mae has had lots of fun both at home and out and about looking for blue things she has spotted our blue fish in our fish tank which we tried to count but they kept swimming off, we looked for blue cars while we were in the car, at nanny Sues we found a blue chinese eye ornament in her porch lily-mae sorted out all her blue crayons.

  7. Isla G's Mommy says:

    Isla has had fun spotting blue items both out and about and at home. We had a discussion about the sky and how it is sometimes blue, the other colours it can be and what this means for the weather. My other favourite was the swimming pool water which I think, after some persuasion (!!), Isla now accepts is clear and that it is just the tiling of the pool that is blue.

  8. Megan's Mummy says:

    Megan had lots of fun looking for all things blue. She spotted blue number/letter magnets on the fridge, the stones in her fish tank are bright blue, Daddy’s shirt was blue and Mummy and Daddy both have blue cars. The lid on the milk and ‘our’ flag (union jack) also has blue on it. Outside Megan spotted a blue bus stop, lots of cars and the sky was blue!
    Megan enjoyed making her blueberry muffin, but eating it was even more fun!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Blue sky and a blueberry muffin, that sounds like the perfect combination! I’m glad you enjoyed eating the muffin you made, I wonder if there are any left… 🙂

  9. Aimee's Mummy says:

    Aimee pointed out that my car was blue, but it was next to a lighter blue car. She also had fun saying words that rhyme with blue – the obvious loo and poo(!), and moo, who, two, boo… She’s looking forward to baking blueberry muffins tomorrow and has promised to save a bite for Mummy.

  10. Demis Mommy says:

    Demi had lots of fun finding blue things in our house! Demi found a blue pillow and described it as ‘light blue’. She also found Georges (from Peppa Pig) top was blue.
    Mommys jeans were blue and Demis special Tinklebell rug that nanny knitted her is also a light blue like the pillows.
    Demi said the rug felt ‘rougher’ than the pillows.
    She had lots of fun running around the house finding different things! She also remembered nannys car is blue!

  11. Sarah Hackett says:

    Isla found lots of blue things at home and outside, our dark blue car the bright blue sky, mommy,s blue coat and shoes. There are lots of different shades of blue everywhere.

  12. Ellis Kavanagh says:

    Ellis has really enjoyed pointing out blue things at home and out & about! He noticed his favourite characters from his Pontypandy toys wear blue uniforms, his bed sheets are blue and he, his big brother and daddy love shouting Blues Blues Blues when their team play football – Birmingham City!!
    Ellis also spotted lots of blue cars, the blue sign at tesco and Daddy’s blue logo on his work clothes! He was very proud bringing home the blueberry muffin he made today!

  13. Mrs Turner says:

    Thank you for sending in so many tubes, the children have had so much fun making their blue binoculars!

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