Assembly 22nd September

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8 Responses to Assembly 22nd September

  1. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 know that they have to co operate at school with their friends and teachers so everyone is safe and happy. If we don’t co operate we may fall out with our friends, get into trouble, be upset and hurt. Year 1 are going to work hard to co operate at school and at home so everybody is safe and happy!

  2. Year 6 says:

    Year 6 know that in order to work well, co-operation is very important. To co-operate in year 6 we make sure that:
    Everyone has and knows their roles in a group
    Elect a team leader if there are arguments
    Take turns
    Let everyone speak in turns
    Be friendly
    Help others
    Listen to everyone’s ideas
    Don’t argue, compromise

  3. Year 5 says:

    We spoke about when we cooperate at home: Playing games with your brothers and sisters, helping to make the dinner, tidying your room, school projects.

    We cooperate at school: Playing team games like football, when you ask your friends for help in lessons, working as a team in drama, paired work.

    What happens when we don’t cooperate: You might argue, the task might go wrong and you might not get the job done, people might fight, it is harder to concentrate on the task.

  4. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 have been using their co-operation skills during literacy this week.We have been working together to order a storyboard of Romeo and Juliet. When we work together we can use each others different ideas to create an even better piece of work.

  5. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 have been thinking about how we cooperate well at home. We think that we cooperate with our mums and dads by working together to make sure we get our homework done, and trying not to argue so that we come to school happy. At school we cooperate with our friends by playing nicley at break time. We also work well together in our lessons and make sure that we help eachother. Year 2 know that if we don’t cooperate well then people will be upset and the class will not always be a happy place.

  6. Year 3 says:

    Year three think that it is really important that we co -operate with our family so that our home can ba a happy one without peolpe falling out all of the time. At school, if we co-operate with our friends, we will have lots of happy times at school. If we co-operate with our teachers, we will learn and have fun at school!

  7. Foundation says:

    In Foundation the children agreed we all have to co-operate. We have been busy learning the rules and how to get along with one another. Our teachers help us by role modelling good behaviour. We need to co-operate so we can learn and keep ourselves and others safe.

  8. Lily - mae adams 4E says:

    I am doing a lot of co-operating during my dance practise because we are rehersing fotr my show

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