Gibbon poem by kenzie and William

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8 Responses to Gibbon poem by kenzie and William

  1. olivia says:

    5 beats on the first line
    6 on the 2nd line
    5 on the 3rd line
    5 on the 4th line
    I think this is because 9on the 2nd is long because when you freeze
    somethink you can eat it tomorrow

  2. Amelia says:

    well done Kenzie and William on the first line it has 4 beats and on the second line it has
    4 beats

  3. Megan says:

    On the fist line it has 5 sillerball.

  4. Aman Chana says:

    5 6 5 5 In the first, third and forth line you put5 sylibles because you talk
    about the gibbon swinging through the trees
    and eating. In the second line on you put
    6 sylibles because tyhe sentence could
    be put in for impact.

  5. Jai Sharma says:

    in the poem called “Gibbon” You might of put A small sentence for Always eating ants because there small and maybe for impact

  6. maddie says:

    line number 2 is different to the others because the sloth is slow and it will never stop because it needs lots and lots of food to eat.

  7. Anonymous says:

    5 beats for line 1. 6 beats line 2. 5 for line 3. 5 beats for the last line. I think line 2 two is longer because if the gibbon stops it will take longer.

  8. jacob ellis says:

    The last is about ants and it is the shortest ants are smll.

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