Assembly theme 16th May

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5 Responses to Assembly theme 16th May

  1. s14cpayne says:

    Year 2 think that the story was chosen to show that the tortoise was slow and steady but persevered and won the race.
    Some children persevere when playing sport, running races, taking time when doing school work and if school work is hard just keep going.
    Sometimes it’s hard to persevere in sport if things become too difficult or if tests are too hard.

  2. Year 4 says:

    We think Miss Mason chose this story because she wants to encourage us to be resilient by not giving up. We also think Miss Mason chose this story to encourage us not to show off because you might hurt other people’s feelings.

    We have to show peserverance in lessons by not giving up even when it is hard and in sports when the activity is tiring.

    When we perservere we are good at things.

    Here are some times where we have found it hard to perservere:
    -When I was scouted in football and I found it hard to keep going because everyone was older than me.
    -When I first moved here I felt like giving up because I couldn’t speak the same language as everyone else.
    -When I had my first cricket match because I found it hard to bat and I didn’t know anybody.

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 loved this story and know it is very important to always try hard and do our best. They said that they feel proud when they produce good work and are happy that they make those around them happy too.
    Zachary says he has to persevere to do his best handwriting. Borys said he has to persevere when he writes stories. Harvey told us that he has to persevere to tackle his opponents when he plays rugby in order to keep the ball.
    Year 1 said when you have to persevere it can sometimes make you grumpy but then if you keep on going and you are successful it makes you feel proud and happy.

  4. Year 3 says:

    The story teaches us to be resilient and to always try our best when things are difficult. Year 3 talked about times when they have had to persevere. Here are some of our examples:
    Poppy Jones – When I went ice scating, I kept trying and evne when I fell over I kept going.
    Tianna-Mae – at a party I didnt know how to roller scate because I had never done it before. Mum kept telling me to keep going.
    Jacob – When I was swimming I’m not good at breast stroke but my teacher encouraged me to keep going.
    Mia – Learning my x4 tables was tricky but I used a number square and mastered it!
    Charlie – I won a BMX race when a boy made a comment about how bad I was.
    Henry – I found ice scating really difficult and gave up. It was hard to persevere.

  5. Foundation says:

    Foundation know why Miss Mason chose this story, it was to remind us all about our BLP character Terry the Tortoise. He is in our classroom and helps us to remember to keep on trying and to focus and concentrate. We are getting really good at trying even if we are unsure or if something is tricky because we like to make Terry the Tortoise smile and our teachers 🙂 If we are trying really hard we can hold Terry or give him a high five!

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