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8 Responses to Fables

  1. Zachary says:

    Zachary has read some fables. His favourite fable was about a cheetah and a hippo. The cheetah was boasting about being being a fast runner and laughed at the hippo saying he bet he couldn’t even run. The hippo challenged him to a race to a tree in the jungle. The cheetah had to run a long way around the edge of the jungle to get to the tree but the hippo knew a short cut through the water. The hippo got there first and had enough time to dry off in the sun and said he had run too. The hippo had run but underwater. The lesson was to stop boasting because we are all good at different things.

  2. Isla says:

    Yes we bought a book of fables for the reading passport. We have read the Hare and the Tortoise as well as The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. The message at the end of the story is ‘better to be happy with what you need than risk everything for more.’

  3. Daniel Hillidge says:

    We read the story about the boy who cried wolf. We learned that we shouldn’t tell lies for fun, because people won’t believe us when we are telling the truth!

  4. Adam Hoadley says:

    Adam liked the fable of the hare and the tortoise and remembers now that ‘slow and steady wins the race’. Adam also read the fable about King Midas who was greedy and asked that everything he touch turn to gold. Adam said the message was not to be greedy and being rich doesn’t make your happy.

  5. Alex says:

    Alex has read the book ‘Milly the meerkat’. The book is about a meerkat who pretends to have seen a snake twice when there isn’t a snake. Lots of meerkats run to help. One day Milly actually does see a snake and no one comes to help her when she shouts. The story teaches us that you should always be truthful, if you lie a lot then people won’t believe you even when you are telling the truth.

  6. Aimee says:

    I have a book about fables. My favourite is the stork and the fox. I like this one because the stork and the fox both play tricks on each other. The message is not to play nasty tricks on each other unless it’s April fools day!

  7. Aaliyah says:

    We have read a few fables usually about animals. Fable stories normally are about morals and teach lessons about life. Aaliyahs favourite fable is the Hare and the tortoise. Aaliyah commented that slow and steady wins the race.

  8. Sophie Owen says:

    Aesop was a famous writer of fables. He lived in Ancient Greece in 6BC. My favourite fable is ‘The Mouse and The Lion’, which is a fable about a lion sparing a mouse who then goes on to rescue the lion from a hunter’s trap. It teaches us that we should be kind to others and they will be kind to us too.

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