Assembly 9th Feb

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11 Responses to Assembly 9th Feb

  1. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 have really enjoyed this half term’s topic on Splendid Skies. They have kept a weather diary. Khai, Red, Thom, Lexie, Sofia and Max said they had enjoyed our science work and particularly liked the experiment to make a rainbow. Jacob said he enjoyed the doubling and halving maths activities and Euan said he liked the problem solving. Alfie said he was confident with the number bonds to 20 after our work. Lots of children said that they had loved the dance work about weather and had fun each week learning about the sun, wind and rain. Meira and Rosa couldnt choose one thing they had enjoyed they just said that it was all fun.
    Next term we are going to be learning about london and they are very excited about our cream tea with the Queen!!

  2. Meira says:

    We learned about splendid skies. My favourite lessons are reading, writing and numbers. We have been learning about the x10 and x2 tables. In PE, we’ve been wiggling a lot. I look forward to learn more about the city of London.

  3. Year 3 says:

    This term the children have enjoyed making masks with Mrs Charn and making Pandora Boxes with Miss Lindsey. The children have found out lots facts about The Greek Gods and have created their own fact files.
    The children have enjoyed maths and are working hard to learn their times tables! In P.E we are hoping to have our very own Olympic Games!

  4. Year 6 says:

    Our topic this half term has been ‘Tomorrow’s World.’ We have learnt all abut people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey. We have create our own online blogs. We researched a number of computer viruses and then created newspaper reports about a virus scandal in school. We have also looked at the impact of the Birmingham riots and written a biased argument as to the cause. We have studied Nancy Drew and we are making our own detective story. We went on a trip to the Symphony Hall and have been working hard with our clarinets. We have created a class routine like ‘Stomp’ and created clay models to go with it. In French we have learnt all about the culture, food, trips etc. In maths we have covered lots of areas but recently enjoyed shape, reflection and translation. We are getting ready for our Parent Share where we’ll be teaching our parents a thing or two!

  5. Lydia.P says:

    As our topic this half term has been Tomorrow’s World I have enjoyed doing all the activities we have done including: making blogs, exploring Scratch and Alice, researching and looking at newspaper reports.

  6. Hannah.C says:

    This term our topic has been Tomorrows World so we have been looking at and creating our own online blogs. We have also created a presentation about people who helped to invent things like You Tube and Facebook. I did Mark Zuckerburg!
    I am really looking forward to having the parent share on Thursday because we will be showing our parents/grandparents how to use program. We will be using Scratch, Alice and Lightbot.

  7. Foundation says:

    Foundation have loved learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears, as well as other traditional tales. They have especially enjoyed dressing up and using the props to role play the stories. I am sure the children will be very excited about the coming half term, as it is all about bears. 🙂

  8. James 6A says:

    I have enjoyed our topic (tomorrow’s world) because we have done blogs. I have also enjoyed P.E because we did hokey and tennis.In maths I have loved doing translation.

  9. Year 5 says:

    This half term, Year 5 have learnt all about Alchemy Island. We have met the Chief Alchemist and found out all about his life, so that we could write his soliloquy. We found out about gemstones and gold and wrote syllabic poetry on gemstones and non chronological reports on gold. We have also learnt about adverbial phrases and we are now trying to use these in our writing. In PE, we have done gymnastics. The girls have also created dances and the boys have been studying sports with their Fit for Schools scheme. We had an exciting visit from firemen, who taught us about how to stay safe. In Maths, we have learnt about Roman Numerals, as well as percentages, fractions and decimals. In ICT we are really enjoying coding on Kodu. In Music, we made our own version of Stomp. We have been very busy and have really enjoyed this half term!

  10. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 have really enjoyed this term so far. We have learned lots of new things, including time and money in maths. We have also been looking at reading maps and thinking about our local area. We have had our parent share already and our family came in to school and we used our maps or the school to go on a treasure hunt.. we all really enjoyed it! We have also been learning about ‘Orienteering’ this half term, which helped us during our treasure hunt.

  11. Toby says:

    In Year 6 our project was called Tommorow’s World. In this project we were looking at teen blogs, different computer viruses and the history of computing. In addition to this we have been researching different people who have changed the world of technology such as Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and many more. Also this term we have been working on our clarinet. On the clarinet we have composed our own music to record and put on the blog. We are also currently writing a detective story of the case of the Mary Celeste. In order to do this we have been studying the film of Nancy Drew and looking at the features of a detective genre through that. In maths we have been covering many different areas to prepare us for the upcoming SATs and are currently learning about reflection, angles and shape. In P.E. we have been covering the topic GYM where we have created our own routines and performed them infront of the class. We have also created a class routine based on ‘Stomp’. We have been using objects, our body parts and our voices to create a routine. In French we have been looking at their culpture, food and the language. We have also held a parent share where we have shown our parents how to programme on the computer. My favourite bit of the parent share was when me and my Mum made a movie on puppet pals.

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