Little Red Riding Hood

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14 Responses to Little Red Riding Hood

  1. Riley's mummy says:

    Riley has loved the recent story themes, Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears being particular favourites. He loves the original stories and we read them regularly. He loves to act them out at home and when we are at the park. His recount is great with him often telling me a bedtime story. πŸ™‚

    • Mrs Turner says:

      The Three Bears is a definite favourite in Foundation! I look forward to hearing the story, I will ask Riley to tell me tomorrow πŸ™‚ Super work!

  2. Zachary says:

    Zachary said that to have kept safe, Little Red Riding Hood should have listened to the 2 rules her mummy told her and not left the path and definitely not to have spoken to the wolf! Zachary says that he will always do what he’s told (here’s hoping!) and will never talk to wolves, or strangers!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Indeed! It is very important to follow the rules to keep you safe. Well done Zachary, you have thought very carefully about what the right thing to do is.

  3. Isla G's Mommy says:

    Isla said Little Red Riding Hood should not have spoken to the wolf and should have listened to her Mommy (hmmmm not always put into practice…!). Isla also suggested in the later stages that Little Red Riding Hood should have ran from the wolf but then if she still got eaten, she could have jumped out of his tummy!!!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      You have thought carefully about the story Isla, well done. Grown ups tell us rules to help us stay safe, and she should definitely have listened to her Mummy!

  4. James says:

    Little red riding hood should have gone straight to grandma’s house, and not spoken to the wolf!

    I’d like to make a big bad wolf mask!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      That sounds like the sensible thing to do James, super thinking! I will make sure there are some suitable resources for you to make your mask – I hope it’s not too scary!

  5. Jake says:

    Jake said Little Red Riding Hood could have stayed safe by not going into the forest, he also said she should have ran all the way home. We had a talk about not speaking to strangers because Little Red Riding Hood did not know the wolf so she should not have spoken to him. We talked about stranger danger and how not to speak to strangers and to never go off with a stranger.

    Jake said he would like to make a wolf puppet using lollipop sticks.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      How sensible Jake, you thought carefully about what Little Red Riding Hood should have done to stay safe. I am glad to see that you enjoyed making your wolf puppet today πŸ™‚

  6. Aimee's Mummy says:

    Aimee loves this story. The first thing she pointed out was that the story we were reading had Little Red Riding Hood delivering apples, but a version we have previously read she was delivering an apple pie. I explained there are different versions of the story with the same concept! Aimee said Little Red Riding Hood should not have spoken to the wolf. She was glad that Granny was still alive at the end of our book!
    In class, Aimee would like to cut and colour pictures of the characters to stick onto lollipop sticks for role play.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Aimee you thought really carefully about the story and listened well, super! The children have been enjoying cutting and sticking the two main characters today, I will check tomorrow to see if Aimee managed to have a go πŸ™‚

  7. Demi's Mommy says:

    Demi loves The little Red Riding Hood story. Demi likes the colour red and said that little read riding hood looks beautiful.
    Demi was not happy that little red riding hood had spoken to the wolf and said ‘she should not speak to strangers’.

    Demi would like to make the wolf mask in school!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      How very sensible Demi, did you talk with Mummy about stranger danger?
      I will put out a selection of mask making items in the morning, perhaps you could make one with James πŸ™‚

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