F2 Toy Shop Challenge

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12 Responses to F2 Toy Shop Challenge

  1. The Parry Boys says:

    Jacobs favourite toy to play with is his monsters and figures because he can make up his own games and stories with them. Oliver’s favourite toy is his football table because he likes pretending to be aston villa. Both boys looked at toys that Mummy and Daddy and their Grandparents played with. They noticed that a lot of their grandparents’ toys were made of wood or metal and their toys are mostly made of plastic. They both felt they preferred toys today because they do more than older toys. Jacob even liked some of the figures that Daddy had when he was young.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Excellent observations boys, the main differences are the materials that they are made with. Some older toys can be lots of fun to play with. My brother used to have a set of Tonka trucks and his little boy now plays with them.

  2. Joel says:

    Joel said his favourite toys are one of his Power Ranger Robots because it can change into different characters so he can play with it for a long time and his Fire Engine because his little brother Ellis joins in with Fireman games! He was pleased to hear that Daddy’s favourites were a football and Scalextric as Joel had one for Christmas! We are going to ask Nanny and Grandad tomorrow about their childhood toys!

  3. Rosa says:

    Typed by rosa:
    Mummy had dols lik me but my dols moov. Daddy Had a wud Lory. I have lots of plastic toys.

    We talked about how although we had very similar toys to rosa when we were little, they weren’t as fancy as the ones she has. Our computers were very large and slow, mummy’s dollies didn’t make noises or have lots of buildings to buy to go with them. Daddy had trucks and castles but sometimes his Daddy had made them for him instead of buying them from a shop.

  4. Khai says:

    Khai loves lego and builds lots of vehicles and his own inventions too. He also loves his Octonauts and dinosaurs. We talked about how toys used to be made of wood but now there are lots of plastic toys too. Daddy used to play with lego when he was little. Sometimes at Granny and Papas’ house Khai plays with Mummys’ old toys like the marble run, and lego and a Tonka truck. The Tonka truck is missing bits as its very old, its exactly like the one in Foundation which also seems to be missing bits!

  5. Ted says:

    Ted’s favourite toys are his lego and his innotab. He likes to build all sorts of things out of lego. Grandad and Nanny didnt really play in the house much when they were young. Nanny used to play games with a hoop and lots of ball games with her friends. Grandad liked his whipping top and building things out of mechano. Ted has large plastic mechano but Grandad’s was small and metal. Mummy usually played on her bike or built dens in the garden and made mud pies. If it was rainy she liked to draw and paint. Now mummy and ted like to draw together and make models. Ted likes having his own computer but when mummy was young there was only one in the house but it didnt have many games. Grandad says when he was little computers were not even invented!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Well done Ted! My Dad is just like your Grandad, he rarely played inside either. Why do you like Lego and your Innotab so much?

  6. Thom says:

    Thom loves to play with his lego. He likes following the instructions and as soon as his creation is finished he will break it down and build it again. Thom also likes playing card games and he is lucky because I do too.
    The best toys at grandma’s house are mummy’s old mr men books – completely fallen apart and taped together they are being read over and over again. They now have a prime place in thoms own bookcase!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Mr Men books are so funny! Which of the stories do you like the best Thom, and why? Do you need to look at the instructions the next time you build your creation?

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