French Nursery Rhyme Challenge F2

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18 Responses to French Nursery Rhyme Challenge F2

  1. Ted says:

    We have a chocolate easter egg hung on easter morning- that day and christmas day are the two days we are allowed chocolate for breakfast!
    At christmas (after the chocolate) we have christmas dinner at nannys, always turkey and stuffing and yorkshire pudding, we pull crackers.
    On our birthdays the birthday person chooses the dinner and we have cake with candles to blow out. This year my cake was in the shape of a Minion.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      That sounds like a real treat! We always have a bacon sandwich on Christmas morning, then turkey with all the trimmings for lunch. My favourite day is Boxing day when we eat cold turkey with chips, bubble and squeak and pickles. Delicious.

  2. Harvey says:

    Harvey said that we celebrate birthdays. We discussed that on our birthday we have a birthday cake which the birthday person picks! This year Harvey wants a Batman cake!!

    We spoke about how we celebrate Christmas. Harvey remembered that we eat a Christmas dinner. He thought that the meat we eat was chicken, so I told him that we have turkey. We discussed that we eat different foods such as mince pies and Christmas pudding that we wouldn’t normally eat throughout the year.

    Together we spoke about Easter. Harvey likes this time of year as the Easter bunny brings him lots of chocolate eggs if he has been a good boy!! Yummy!!

  3. Madison says:

    Madison says her favourite foods are spaghetti bolognese, strawberrys, sausages with gravy and chocolate milkshake

  4. Rosa says:

    Rosa says we have fun at Christmas. When we wake up Santa has left her a stocking filled with nice things. She likes Christmas Day because she sees her nanny and grandad for a Christmas lunch and Christmas pudding and we have a party on the evening with friends. She likes to help mummy and Sophia make special presents for the table. Last year she made lanterns filled with sweets. We have crackers on the table too which are fun!
    Rosa loves it when it’s is someone’s birthday in the house because we always go out for breakfast.
    At Easter Rosa remembers that the Easter bunny comes and we go on a big egg hunt with her cousins.

  5. Jake says:

    Every morning Jake has breakfast then brushes his teeth and washes his hands and face before getting dressed. Every night Jake brushes his teeth, washes his hands and face and puts on his PJ’s, he has milk and stories before bed and then has a sing song in bed before he goes to sleep.

    Jake’s favourite special occasion is Easter because he likes the Easter Bunny who brings him chocolate eggs. Other special occasions are Christmas where we eat turkey and birthdays where we eat party food and birthday cake.

  6. Sophie says:

    We eat roast turkey on Christmas Day. We eat chocolate eggs at Easter and we hunt for them in the garden. On pancake day we eat pancakes with lemon and sugar. On my birthday I always have a birthday cake.

  7. sophia says:

    I like to eat turkey and vegterbals,after I eat some christmas pudding.

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