Our Pets

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6 Responses to Our Pets

  1. Matthew Russell says:

    I do not have a pet but my Nana and pops and Aunty both have a dog. Nana and Pop’s dog is called Amber and Aunty Jennie’s dog is called Shelby. Dogs need to be fed and they drink water. They both need lots of walks but Shelby needs longer as she is younger. Amber is 10 years old and Shelby is 2.

  2. Ben Brooke says:

    I do not have a pet, but I would like a dog.

    If I had a dog I would love it and take it for walks. My pet would need food and water and lots of cuddles!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have got a pet rabbit called hoppy. I give him cuddles and kisses. He has a bottle for his water and I give him rabbit food, carrots and apples. We have to make sure his run is clean and check on him to make sure hes okay. He likes to go in the garden and eat the grass.

  4. Alexander R. says:

    I don’t have any pet at the moment. I used to have a dog called Nefi but she passed away. She was a girl and she liked to play with me in the garden. Her favourite game was fetch a tennis ball. I gave her lots of cuddles. She had to drink water andate meat.

  5. Jenson Allen says:

    Jenson would love a dog, over the school holidays Jenson had the responsibility of looking after his cousins’ dogs-Betty and Wilma for the afternoon. During our visit to Worcestershire Country Park both dogs seemed to take Jenson for a walk! Jenson realised that dogs, even small are very strong. Jenson ensured the dogs had water as it was a hot day and gave them treats when they behaved well.

  6. Libby says:

    I have a dog called Patch he is a Jack Russell. I take him for walks and he eats dry dog food but also likes cooked meats. I show Patch I care about him by stroking him and playing games. He shows me he loves me by licking me !. I also have a Fish

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