Dinosaur Jokes

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11 Responses to Dinosaur Jokes

  1. Sebastian says:

    What do you call deaf dinosaur? Anything you like, he can’t hear you
    What do you get if you cross a dino and a dog? A dog a sore
    Why didn’t the dinosaur cross the road? Because roads weren’t invented yet!

  2. Riley O'Connor says:

    Q.why can’t you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom?
    A. Because the P is silent

  3. Scarlett says:

    What do you call a dinosaur wrapped in bacon?

    Jurassic Pork

  4. Lee says:

    What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
    A dino snore

  5. Leah says:

    What do you call a dinosaur who’s on time?
    A pronto-soraus

  6. Toby says:

    What do you call a T-Rex with a stick on his head?

    A Stickasauras.

  7. Ethan Jeffery says:

    What do you call a dinosaur that writes blogs?
    A Blogasaurus

    What do you call a dinosaur with rocks?
    A Rockasaurus

  8. Oliver Roberts says:

    What do you call it when a dinosaur gets in a car accident?
    Tryannasaurus wreck!

  9. Harry Wilson says:

    What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes? Doyouthinkysaraus
    What do dinosaurs use on the floors of their kitchens? Rep-tiles

  10. Olivia says:

    How do you ask a dinosaur if he wants something to eat?
    Tea, Rex?

  11. Ava Jamieson says:

    What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up? A Trytrytryceratops!

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