Jigsaw Jo

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8 Responses to Jigsaw Jo

  1. Oliver Reynolds says:

    I talk to my Mummy and my Daddy when I am worried about anything. They try to help me.
    I know that being responsible means being sensible and not being silly. It means owning your behaviours and things and not blaming others for anything that happens when it was your doing.
    We can be responsible in class by controlling your behaviour.
    I like Jigsaw Jo!

  2. Alice jones yr 2 says:

    Hi Jigsaw jo responsibility is were you look after your classroom and tidying books up and pens.

  3. Charlie says:

    When I fell worried I talk to my Mom.
    Responsibility means it’s up to you to look after something or someone.
    We can be responsible in the class by looking after each other.

  4. Ellis says:

    When I am worried I talk to my Mommy, Daddy or sometimes my big brother Joel. If I’m worried at school I tell a teacher. Responsibility means looking after something, that can be a pet, a person or ourselves.

    To be responsible in year 2 we need to make it tidy, push our chairs in at lunch time, don’t run down the corridor, be kind to each other, follow the rules and listen to Miss Payne. I love Jigsaw Jo, he’s my favourite teddy bear in year 2 and Theodore.

  5. Archie Kinsey says:

    When I am worried I talk to my mum and dad or any adult around me. I think taking responsibility means not blaming others for things I have done and owing up when asked. I can take responsibility in the class by making sure I have done everything I need to do including tidying up after myself and making sure I have all my belongings.

  6. hannah says:

    I think responsibility means being kind and doing the RiGHT thing.

  7. lily-mae says:

    lily-mae says welcome jigsaw jo it is lovely to have you in our class. When I am worried about things I talk to my mummy daddy nanny granddad or grandma I also like to talk to my friends if I’m worried at school and if I am still worried I know I can always talk to a teacher.Being responsible means that we look after our things and keep the classroom tidy and making sure we put things away so they do not get lost or broken we also need to took our chairs in so other people don’t trip over the chair being responsible also means that we are kind and helpful to our friends and teachers and help one another.

  8. Anaya Mianger says:

    When I am worried, I talk to my mummy or daddy.
    Responsibility means to care about someone and take care of people in the school. It also means to take responsibility of my actions.

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