18th September

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6 Responses to 18th September

  1. Year 1 says:

    Scarlett, Ava and Leah belong to Rainbows. Lee, Caleb, Harry, Charlie, Freddie, Nathan, Finley, Zunnurain, Toby and Riley belong to a football club. Imogen, Ava and Scarlett also belong to a Ballet class. Nathan, Dexter, Imogen, Leah, Lee, Ava and Scarlett do Gymnastics. Lots of children have swimming lessons and meet other children whilst learning to swim.
    In the groups and clubs the children told me they learn new skills to control the ball in football and how to play matches. in Gym and dance they learn how to travel and move in different ways and to the music. At rainbows the girls said that they do lots of making activities and sometimes do fun activities outdoors.
    Belonging to these groups make the children feel happy.
    Amelia said that Cheswick Green is a special school as its like a family where we all work hard and learn to get on well with others and learn new skills to help us to get better at things. Charlie said its a happy place and Sebastian said he has lots of friends.
    Year 1 said following our class charter was a good thing to do so that everyone can be happy and learn well. We talked to Jigsaw Jack today and talked about what we do to learn well with our friends. Good looking and listening to the teacher and our friends was important and a quiet classroom to enable everyone to concentrate.

  2. Year 4 says:

    Archie – Cubs, we play games and learn skills.
    Umar – School, I learn things and see my friends.
    Sofia – Dancing where I have made lots of friends.

    Our School community is special because it’s a place we can have fun, learn, see our friends and get to know other people who live in our area.

    We talked a lot about equinox in Year 4, it is a time for the season to change, for us to reflect and for some people to turn inward. We also talked about Taoism which is about spiritual thinking and how we cannot experience joy without having experienced sorrow.

    Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.

  3. Year 5 says:

    In year 5, we would like to make the school community better by not littering and recycling and composting our waste. We could also be welcoming and inclusive to all of our peers and classmates by letting them play together and supporting each other. We need to look after each other and support others when they are hurt and not just leave them.
    We need to make sure we look for people who are lonely and find ways to include them in our games. We must never bully others and try to think about how our actions make others feel.
    Amber thinks we could go to Church to learn about God and his teachings. We could also learn about other religions and their teachings.
    Tianna-Mae thinks the school could work together as a school on a project to improve the local environment, such as adding and caring for more plants and grass in the playground.
    Jacob S remembers a morning activity where children would get points for walking or cycling to school and thinks this could also benefit the school community.

  4. Anonymous says:

    In Year 2 we feel like we belong to big communities and small communities. A lots of children in Year 2 are members of Rainbows and Boy’s Brigade. We also go to dance clubs, swimming galas, football clubs and riding school. We talked about how belonging to each of these groups is like a small family to us. We look after each other, spend time together and do activities together. Some children in our class shared how they are part of a religious community. These groups also spend time together, look after each other and learn together. There are about 12 of us in Year 2 that go to church or Sunday School. We enjoy spending time on the weekends with our ‘extended’ families. We even eat special meals together and have celebrations such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest.
    Our school is a community too! We enjoy spending time with our friends, learning together, looking after each other. We are a special school because we are happy and always make sure everyone feels part of our class. We also worship together too in assemblies and special celebrations.
    From Year 2

  5. Year 6 says:


    Communities or groups we belong to:
    -Cheswick Green
    -Class 6H
    -Group of friends
    -Our family
    -Clubs or activities e.g. football, netball

    Belonging to these groups make us feel: happy, safe, supported, liked, welcomed, special, trusted, not alone, loved

    We think our school is special because:
    -we have nice and fair teachers and a nice headteacher.
    -there are a lot of opportunities to do fun things.
    -we have teachers that go above and beyond.
    -everyone here is friendly and kind.
    -everyone is respected and listened to.

  6. Mrs Turner says:

    As part of our induction process we spend lots of time developing the children’s sense of belonging into the Foundation unit and their allocated family group. The children and their families found out at the beginning of this week which family group they had been placed into and each child made a puppet to show their grown ups whether they were a Ladybird or a Butterfly. We have painted our portraits, made a photo frame for our first day photo and painted our family group animal. We sing each other welcome songs each day and we are getting to know our new Foundation One and Foundation Two friends and Teachers. We have also found out facts about our family group animals to help us identify and remember which group we are in. The children are growing in confidence everyday and the staff are getting to know each individual child’s character. The children have made a super start and we are very proud of them. We would like to thank all the parents and carers for all their super support as it helps so much!

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