Week beginning 04.09.17

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24 Responses to Week beginning 04.09.17

  1. ethan says:

    i engoyed sceing the animas and leaning about glapicas island

  2. Toby says:

    Charles Darwin was a famous scientist who came up with the theory of evolution .I enjoyed writing a biography about Charles Darwin and I found out that he went to two university’s .I also liked sketching an animal from the Galapogos Island.

  3. Harry says:

    I enjoyed learning about Darwins theroes because I didnt know that some creatures lived

  4. marco tulloch says:

    I enjoyed skechting a galapogos island animalas and did a biography about charles darwin.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I loved finding out about charles Darwin and how he came up with the theroy of evolution. I enjoyed writing a biography abouit him because we got see what he did in his life. For science I loved finding out about how the creatures on the Galapagos island have changed over time.

  6. meadow says:

    I am realy enjoying learning about charles darwin because he came up with the theory of evolution. I do not really believe in evolution but I still find it fun studying about him.

  7. Naomi says:

    I am really enjoying learning about Charles Darwin even though I don’t really believe in evoultion. I really enjoyed studying the 13 different types of finch. i found it quite cool how th animals adapt.

  8. charlotte says:

    I liked learning about Charles Darwin and the theorie of evolution because it was really fun to find out all of the animals that have adapted over time in their environment and finding out about the animals that lived on the Galapagos Islands. I also enjoyed it because we got to do art and my favourite subject is art and what we had to do is scetch a animal the lived in the Galapagos Islands. Also While learning about Charles Darwin we wrote a biography about him and how he found out about the theorie of evolution. I really enjoyed learning about the theorie of evolution.

  9. 14eallberry says:

    I have really enjoyed learnig about Charles Darwin. I think he was a great man- he is one of the worlds most important scientists. I really like Charles Darwin, for he came up with evolution.

  10. Mehreen says:

    Did you know that Charles Dawin was a naturall sciencetist and he discovered evalution

  11. 14ewoodward says:

    We learn that Charles Dawin study plants and anmials
    Charles dawin didnt like the sight of blood.

  12. 14ines says:

    In Year 6 we have been learning about Charles Darwin and how he discovered evolution
    we found out all about Charles Darwin.

  13. 14bbaker says:

    In year 6,our new topic Darwin’s Delight is very good,interesting and I have learnt a lot. Charles Darwin went to the Galapogos Islands and discovered the theory of evolution.He studied plants and animals when he was there.

  14. Chloe.C says:

    I liked learning about Charles Darwin beacuse all the information about him was very intersting and learning about all the creatures that lived there was very exiting because I got to learn about diffrent species of animals and plant also the animal there were very unusual and these animals and plants were discoverd on the Galapagos Island by Charles Darwin who was the man who came up with the theory of evolution.

  15. lilley-rose says:

    I really enjoyed learning about Charles Darwin because we got to do sketches of animals.I also enjoyed writing a biography
    about him because it was really interesting.

  16. 14scroton says:

    In year 6,our new awesome topic is Darwin’s Delight it is good Charles Darwin discovered the theory of evolution i have learnt a lot about Charles and the Galapagos island ,he studied a lot we sketched some Galapagos animals e.g [marine iguana]

  17. Maddy says:

    I like learing about Charles Darwin because it was really fun because he discoved the Galapagos Island and lots of animals there too and year six wrote reports about them.

  18. Charlie bown year 6 says:

    I have really enjoyed leaning about Charles Darwin the person who came up with the theory of evolution on the Galapagos
    islands. Here is a fact about Charles Darwin. He wanted to work with medicine but he was put off by the sight of blood.

  19. Samuel year 6 says:

    Charles Darwin was the person who was famous for his theory of evolution. He spent 5 years on the Galapagos islands seeing the changes the species have they adapted to there surroundings. He wanted to be a surgen then a doctor then he got offered a place on the HMS voyage. We did a biography about his life.

  20. Freddie says:

    When Charles Darwin published his first book, people did not believe in his theory and found it offensive because back in the day, everyone was religious.

  21. 14tgaffney says:

    I have really enjoyed learning about Charles Darwin because I got to learn about lots of different animals and evolution.We did a biography about him and we wrote fact files about animals on the islands.

  22. ChloeHaines says:

    I enjoyed drawing the animals and I didnt know before until now monkeys turn into humans by Charles Darwin and he sketched them in a book.And he discovered evolution.

  23. oliver year 6 says:

    In year 6 we learnt about Charles Darwin who was the person that came up with the theory of evolution.It all started on a five
    year voyage on the Galapagos islands.

  24. Evie year 6 says:

    I enjoyed learnig about Charles Darwin and drawing lots of unusal crecures I found out that Charles came up with the thory of evolution and that we may of evolved from monkeys.
    Charles Darwin made a book about his work on the Glapogos Islands [called The Origin Of Species.] the book affended lots of people due to their religion most people were religios then.The people were affended because they believed that god made evry living thing on earth.

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