10th July

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16 Responses to 10th July

  1. Jacob and Charlie says:

    Me and jacob really enjoyed assembly today the mindfullness was really relaxing we really enjoyed it. our favourite one was when the man was talking it was really relaxing.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      I am really pleased to hear that, I shall send your teachers the link so that they may play the meditations in the classroom.

  2. s14rsharma says:

    I learnt that sometime when you are stressted stop, look and listen.
    I learnt from kung fu panda that never look at the fails in life and just keep going.
    I preferred the breathing exercise than the cloud exercise.
    A picture that helps me being mindfull is probably a picture of any beach!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Stop, look and listen is a great way to bring you back to the present moment, you listened and paid careful attention, well done 🙂

  3. abbie-mai wood says:

    I learnt that I am bad at mindfulness I learnt that it is hard

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Abbie-Mai you noticed that your thoughts we wandering and that is the first, important step so well done! If it happens just gently bring your attention back to the meditation without telling yourself you are bad at it. Remember that mindfulness is about paying attention on purpose, in a non-judgmental way. Remember to be kind to yourself. You have made a great start, well done.

  4. Year 6 says:

    Year 6 say they were shown how to use Mindfulness to help them calm down if they need to in the future. They also

    Kung Fu Panda showed Year 6 that they should never give up and they remembered the quote, “Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift and thats why its called the present”.

    Archie preferred the technique where the children were given instructions of how to be mindful.
    Harry Jones preferred watching the clouds.


    Year 6 think the Leonardo da Vinci quote means they should go out and make things happen for themselves rather than wait for things to happen.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Well done Year 6, you recalled the quote and your participation in the assembly was excellent. Can you tell me what Master Oogway’s quote from Kung Fu Panda is teaching us and why mindful practice helps us?

      • Year 6 says:

        The quote is teaching us to not have regrets from the past because every day is a clean slate. It is also telling us that we don’t know what will happen tomorrow so we we should be happy and make the most of the present.

        Mindful Practice helps us by:
        – relaxing us and releasing stress.
        – keeping us calm.
        – being able to concentrate.
        – making us more thankful for things.

  5. Foundation says:

    The children in Foundation have been practising the ‘breathing anchor’ technique for a while, but they found listening to the guided meditation more tricky. The majority of the children in Foundation 2 much preferred the cloud watching meditation so we shall be doing this one more often!

  6. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 learned a lot about mindfulness and how to be calm. Jacob learned from Kung Fu panda that even when you are sad you can still be good at things. Demi said when you do something and get it wrong it’s ok to try again. Megan and Freya said they enjoyed watching the clouds best. Dylan, lily-Mae and Connor preferred the technique when you close your eyes. When the children looked at the pictures Adah and Ollie said they liked the forest. Keeleigh and Anaya liked the beach picture. Sam liked the sunset. Georgia and Isla B liked the suncapped mountains. Year 1 said they had all enjoyed the chance to be calm.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      I noticed how well all the children were trying to pay attention on purpose during the meditations in the assembly, well done Year 1! Keep practising 🙂

  7. Year 2 says:

    Aaliyah remembers that Mrs Turner said mindfulness is when you have a quiet moment to think and breathe slowly. Jaedene said that Kung Fu Panda practised being calm by doing his karate and martial arts. Borys likes practising mindfulness by lying still and listening to peaceful music. William likes to stop and breathe slowly a few times it makes his body feel much more relaxed. Ajay likes to lie still and think about happy things. Mili likes to think happy thoughts. Sophie reminded us that the ‘Tappy Twins’ way of breathing helps stay calm and relaxed. Ben Harris enjoyed snack time yesterday when we ate our fruit mindfully and really thought about what we were doing. When Daniel gets home from school he likes to sit if it’s sunny in his front garden and watch the clouds go by. Joshua likes to enjoy his ice lolly slowly and mindfully after school when it is sunny.
    We talked about eating mindfully and also spent some time listening to music.
    Thank you for your assembly Mrs Turner.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      You are most welcome! It is one of my favourite subjects so it was great to share it with everybody 🙂 Year 2 sounds very mindful with lots of different techniques being used which is fantastic.

  8. Mollie H says:

    Mindfulness is a good relaxation technique i some times use it if im stressed or angry at someone it calms me down a lot more than my other techniques i enjoy it if you havent tried it you should have a go its so relaxing and calming

  9. Year 3 says:

    Everyday Year 3 listen to music to help them to calm down especially when they come back in after playtime and lunchtime. They also work with music on because this helps them to focus. The music is very quiet so they are quiet as well. It also helps them to listen and think. Mrs Arnold came into our classroom last term and showed them how to relax and be calm using these mindfulness techniques as well.

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