Three Billy Goats Gruff

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20 Responses to Three Billy Goats Gruff

  1. Sebastian Backhaus says:

    Sebastian watched a video about The Three Billy Goats Gruff, he didn’t like the troll under the bridge at all!
    He talked about the beginning when he was sad because they didn’t have any food left,then the middle part he liked the fact the goats tricked the troll, then happy again when they were across the bridge and had food again.
    Sebastian has also made a bridge out of LEGO as he knew they were the right shape to build a strong bridge. We talked about different materials and that building with round materials would be much harder and not as strong as there would be lots of gaps. We have emailed a photo of his bridge into the office.

  2. Phoebe Woodcock says:

    On Saturday Phoebe visited the Think Tank museum in Birmingham. She learnt about different materials used in building. At the museum she built her own bridge out of blocks and even stood on top of it!
    At home she built a bridge out of Lego. Photos sent to office email.

  3. Olivia P says:

    Olivia made three bridges out of wood, cardboard and paper (we talked about them all coming from a tree). The thickest was the wood. She tested them by sitting on them. She found that the wood was the strongest.

  4. William Harris says:

    William enjoyed making a bridge out of lollypop sticks and paper (we have sent in a photo of his work).
    He said: “the bridge is really strong because I used sticks!”

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Thank you for sharing the photo, William was very proud of his work when we showed it in class too. Great work 🙂

  5. Elliot says:

    Elliot built a few different bridges over 2 small chairs with his Daddy. First they used a selection of things we found in the recycling bag – he decided the cling film roll, a cylinder, was not good for the job as it rolled around too much. The cuboids (a cereal box and a tin foil box) were much better – and 2 very different examples of cuboids! They also tried lego, which built a very sturdy bridge. Elliot said he would like to try and make the goats from the Three Billy a Goats Gruff!

  6. Alexander says:

    Alexander liked this week’s challenge. He likes engineerig:)to build a bridge we used some wooden sticks, duplo,paper sheets, ball, paper towel and ribbon. We have noticed that soft and very flexible materials will not work. The best (workin) bridge was from duplo and wooden sticks.

  7. Matilda Stiles says:

    Matilda and Daddy had lots of fun building a bridge this afternoon! They decided to use megabloks to build the main bridge. Matilda then found some DVDs and used them to balance the bridge on to make it higher. She also wanted to use some playdoh so they built some steps and a smaller bridge underneath out of the playdoh! Matilda then put lots of her my little pony horses on the bridge to make sure it was strong enough. She even put her princess Poppy troll underneath the bridge, although she is a kind troll not a mean one like the troll in the billy goats gruff. We watched the story on YouTube and Matilda liked the baby goat the best. She didn’t like the nasty troll and said he shouldn’t be so mean to the goats. After watching it twice we spoke about what happened at the beginning, middle and end. Matilda’s favourite part was the middle when the billy goats were trip trapping over the bridge!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Super challenge work Matilda, you have learned lots about the story and about bridge building and testing the strength of your construction. Well done 🙂

  8. Zach says:

    Zach made a bridge out of lego blocks. He wanted to make a tall bridge. The taller we made the bridge the wobblier it got!! Zach decided he wanted to build a bridge as tall himself so his older brother Jake helped him. Together they built a bridge as tall as Zach that didn’t fall down!

  9. Dylan says:

    Dylan built a bridge using wooden building blocks, appreciating the need for a solid foundation and different shapes. He enjoyed retelling the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff whilst building the bridge.

  10. Alfie says:

    Alfie has had fun learning about different sizes of bricks using lego, duplo and wooden blocks. We made different heights and lengths and talked about where bridges are needed and why and what is best to use to make sure they are strong. Alfie told me why the goats need to cross the bridge and we read the story together.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      I am glad Alfie has had lots of fun trying out different bridge constructions, and very impressed that you tested different heights and lengths. Great work Alfie 🙂

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