Assembly 6th February

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19 Responses to Assembly 6th February

  1. Naomi says:

    I like to play friv what is suitable for kids my age.If we turned off the internet then it would be good and bad because it would be good because people could do other things like play board games ,draw etc. But it would be bad if the Internet was turned off because if you had family or friends in different countries you wouldn’t be able to face time or text them.

  2. Toby says:

    I like to play games online with my friends such as Fifa,Ark Survival and Rocket League. The world would be boring but we would would get used to out door life.Anyone can use the Internet.No not not always.If you are smart online you no not to open things.

  3. Ellia Woodward says:

    You should be very careful with the internet because things can pop up when you are doing some thing like if you are playing a game with Internet and people can chat it is like a boxes and you click on it and you can type in some thing and they might be mean to you if some one does you should tell a ault and then you can ask them if you can report them but don’t say that you have reported them PLeASE STAY SAFE on the INTERNET PLEASE!!!!!’

  4. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 enjoyed today’s assembly. They like to play games online, look for messages, write on the school blog, skype family in this country and abroad, play educational games to help with their learning, watch number jacks on utube and watch Cbeebies.
    If we turned off the internet they thought the world would be boring as they couldn’t talk on line or play games on their tablets.
    Year 1 know that everyone can use the internet although it needs to be used safely. They said that some people can be unkind and say mean things to others. they know not to give out personal information including names, addresses, our school and passwords. We also talked about telling an adult if there was a problem and they didn’t feel safe or something worried them.
    We have made some posters encouraging others to keep safe online and listened to a story about Smartie the penguin and how he keeps safe on the internet.

  5. Year 3 says:

    Today in class we talked about what ‘online’ meant. We talked about how our parents, grandparents, families and friends use the internet everyday for different types of work. We discussed how the internet is used at work. Like at a restaurant, you can go online and make a reservation or look at the menu.We talked about how the internet is taking over our lives!
    Mrs Chana and Mrs Olsen mentioned that when they were growing up that they didn’t have the internet and didn’t use the word online! We discussed again how to stay safe online and remember the rules about not giving out personal information and not opening messages from people we don’t know.

  6. Mrs Turner says:

    The children in Foundation 2 enjoy playing games, apps and watching videos on a range of devices. Sometimes playing on these devices can be worrying or upsetting though. Lots of children suggested that if we see something that makes us uncomfortable that we switch the device off. We then also talked about why it is good to tell the grown ups that are looking after us about it, so that they can make sure it doesn’t happen again.
    We love our trip to the library each Friday, there are lots of exciting books and we love to choose one to take home.

  7. Year 4 says:

    We have decided to individually respond to the first half of the blog as were are doing an afternoon of Internet safety today.

    Half the class thought we still needed libraries and half the class thought we didn’t because we’ve got the internet now. Some of the class argued that you don’t always have access to the internet and therefore books are better. Some pupils said they preferred to read with an actual book.

    We talked about the fact that much of the world’s population is poor and won’t have access to the internet and so books are like gold for those people. Albert Einstein’s comment still rings true around the world for them and still for us.

    Some pupils argued that the internet can be unreliable – we learnt this in our ICT topic last term!

    We had a big discussion about how Mrs Arnold didn’t have the internet as a child and pupils asked questions like ‘how did you speak to people?’

  8. Year 2! says:

    Today is Internet Safety Day
    In Year 2 we talked about what to do if you are online and a pop-up comes on your screen. Harvey says you should tell an adult and Sophie says click away from the pop-up so it goes away.
    We also watched a video online about someone who pretended to be someone else. William says you should not be friends with strangers online because they might be a bully and they might invite you to meet them. Ben says you should tell dad or mum if someone you don’t know tries to be your friend!
    Libraries are SO important because you can get information from books. Books are our friends. They are full of adventures and facts that are interesting says Borys, Mili and William.
    We have promised each other in Year 2 that we will tell someone if a stranger tries to be our friend online.

  9. Lily Ellis says:

    I don’t think that everyone always feels welcome online because sometimes people can be mean to the other person. I think that anyone can use the internet.

  10. s14gmccluskey says:

    Never arrange to meet someone online because you might get kidnapped.If you are being bullied online tell a teacher or your Mom and Dad.

  11. Charlie brown says:

    I liked learning about internet safety because it shows us not to do certain things online. It really helps us so we know to not chat to people online we don’t know because they can lead you into meeting them and there not who you thing they are.

  12. s14acreasey says:

    We still need libraries because the internet sometimes lies. Not everyone can afford a laptop or iPad or things like that because 60% of the world are poor and live on the street! We communicate information by messages, sending letters, snapchat, instagram, whatsapp, facebook, letters, telograms, speaking and in sign language.

  13. s14rsharma says:

    I like to go on youtube!
    I would not really like it but I think I might after and it could be relaxing after a while.
    My family, me and my friends.
    No not everybody fells wellcome on line because people can get cyber bulled.
    No evreybody is nice online!
    Being kind online is important because you can get reported.

  14. Jacob c says:

    I like leaning about internet safety because we got look at many different videos. Also we got to see how many kw/h were used every month

  15. s14pnewell says:

    I think yes because the library we read books and these sometimes give us imformation about interesting stuff about anything depending what book you get . If we did not have any internet then it would be a disaster for me because you can get lots of imformations and songs you like to listen to.We would go on youtube and google and safari to find imformation on!. We must always be kind to whoever is on line .

  16. 14kwatts says:

    I think we still need librairies because not eveone has a compter in the would half of the would are poor. We communicate by sending letters, messages.

  17. Poppy Jones says:

    If you want to get Instagram or Facebook you have to be 13 years old!!!
    Make sure you are on games that are allowed on.
    If someone is bulling you tell an adult.

  18. 14cbown says:

    I think that people souldn’t be cyber bullying and saying mean things.

  19. Year 6 says:

    Year 6 have made internet safety blogs which include top tips on how to be safe. These will be posted soon.
    Here are some top tips:
    -Don’t open files from strangers.
    -Don’t share personal details.
    -Don’t meet up with anyone online.
    -Ask parents about things you are not sure of.
    -Don’t speak to or play games with strangers online.
    -Check your privacy settings if you have social media.
    -Check things or safe before you go on websites or download things.
    -Read the terms and conditions before downloading things and stick to the rules.
    -If people are mean online you must tell someone and block them.

    -We think Albert Einstein meant that the library can tell you anything.
    -We think we do need libraries as we get some stuff online but not everything and we can’t always trust information online.

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