Assembly 30th January 2017

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10 Responses to Assembly 30th January 2017

  1. Archie Moloney Yr 6 says:

    I thought this makes up my identity: Make new friends, that way they will know my name. This is how one way I can make up my identity.

    Food, drink, technology, family and friends, school and games.

    My dad, as he was born in London and the Queen’s mom, as my mum met her.

    I am not quite sure what Individual Liberty means. But it sounds like something that would be important.

  2. matthew band says:

    Things I value in life is my family and friends and football and turtles.

  3. Madyson Fisher says:

    British Values/Individual Liberty!
    Dancing and Swimming make up my identity.
    I value having a planet safe from Global Warming.
    I think Individual Libery means you are free to have your own decisions.

    You use mathmatics when your Baking, shopping and genrally in your daily life.
    Fibonacci was a man who discovered the Fibonacci sequence.
    Fibonacci discovered a sequence which is included in maths.
    It is related to nature beacause the Fibonacci sequence is lots of animals and plants have the sequence on them eg. Pine Cones and Caterpillars.
    no beacause lots of things have patterns or sequences on them.

  4. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 think that our name, eye colour, hair colour, what size feet we have, how tall we are and the things we like or dislike make up the person we are. We talked about the things we value – Mums and Dads, our sisters and brothers, our pets, our grandparents, the Queen, soldiers, our cousins and friends.
    We reminded the children about what our British Values and Jacob had a few ideas to share about the queen governing our land and making good choices for the good of everyone.

    We talked about when we use mathematics in our everyday lives. We weren’t sure to begin with but then the list kept on growing. We decided we use maths lots and lots. We use money to count with and pay for things and we get change, so we have to add and take away. We use weighing to measure ingredients when we are cooking. We measure lengths of items when we need a new carpet in a room. We estimate how much liquid or pasta we will need in our cooking. We use our knowledge of shapes in lots of things we do. We also learn to tell the time so we can get to the places we need to be on time and do things we need to when we are given a time limit.

  5. Mrs Mitchell says:

    In year 2 we talked about what we mean by British values. We thought of some British values such as bravery, teamwork and being considerate to others. We said that our identity is who we are and that no one has the same identity as another person.
    We value lots of things in our life such as our homes, family and friends.
    We use mathematics all the time. We have been learning about money in class and we realise that we need to know how to add and subtract amounts of money for when we go shopping. We need to be able to tell the time in life so that is a really useful mathematical skill. When we build things with lego we are using our knowledge of shapes.

  6. Class3 says:

    In Year 3 we believe it’s important to celebrate and respect differences. We thought our British Values include being fair and honest and living by the law and respecting one another. We agreed that the most important thing we value are our families. We believe Liberty is about being free to choose what we want to do and say without being afraid.
    We talked about where we use numbers. We realised numbers are everywhere. Mrs Seickell talked about the recipe she made last night and how she would have struggled without her weighing scales!

  7. Year 4 says:

    In Year 4 we have been thinking a lot about individual liberty through the book ‘The Arrival’ by Sean Tan. The freedom to move to find work and not be afraid to make choices. We have spoken at length about how people flee countries where they are oppressed and afraid. We have spoken at length about Donald Trump over the past few weeks and how he is making changes for America and what this may mean. We have looked at the poem ‘The Magic of Childhood’ by British Ugandan Vanessa Kisuule which was commissioned by the BBC. It is a poem about finding the magic in Britain and taking on new values whilst holding on to those things which make you, you. We are now creating our own poems based on British Values and things that help us to celebrate being in Britain.

    We looked at The Fibonacci Sequence and none of us knew that it could apply to nature. We now know that by adding a number by the number before, we can make the next number in the sequence. Some people believe this is proof that God designed the world since it is seen repeated so much in nature. We were surprised to learn this. Some of us are going to have a go at the sequence.

  8. Foundation 2 says:

    In Foundation we talked about British values. We thought that it was important to show respect and be kind to our friends and family. We talked about what makes us individual, eye colour, hair colour, and height. We are all different and we value our friends and family.

    We talked about counting and using numbers all the time. We decided that counting our money, knowing how old we are and using numbers when we are cooking are all very important. Lots of us have a number on our house.

  9. Year 6 says:

    British Values
    -Things that make up our identity are our values, our strengths and weaknesses, what clubs we belong to and what we look like.
    -We value resilience, honesty, hard work and kindness.
    -Individual liberty is that as long as we stick to the law we can live as we choose and have our own opinions.

    We use maths at school, home and in everyday life. Here are some examples:
    – buying things
    – baking
    – football match measurements
    – sports – measure distance

    Fibonacci was a person that discovered a sequence that can be used in nature.

  10. s14gmccluskey says:

    We use maths everywere like school,work and when we buy stuff.Fibonacci discovered a sequence that you use in nature.

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