Assembly 28th November

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10 Responses to Assembly 28th November

  1. Year 6 says:


    Peter was unhappy because he was different.

    He decided to leave the group because the others were being mean to him.

    On his journey, he learnt that we are all individuals and that it is good to be different.

    We think the message is that everyone is different and that this is good. We should celebrate our differences and feel good about them.

    Growth mindset is a belief that we can achieve anything we want with hard work.

    Grit is resilience.

    Grit is important because it helps you to be successful.

    Being wealthy does not mean you are successful. You have to work hard and be resilience to be successful.

  2. YEAR ONE says:

    Peter was unhappy because the other birds didn’t like him and he felt upset because he didn’t have any friends. They didn’t like him because he was different to them and had different feathers. Milly said, ‘it is okay to be different and that Peter should have liked himself just the way he was.’
    Year 1 said that the message in the story was ‘love the way you are and that it’s ok to be different.’
    We would add flesh, blood, a brain, our senses, a personality, our skills and talents, our feelings to make the mannequin human.
    In year 1 we talked about grit and being determined to achieve something even when you know it is going to be really hard to do. Year 1 said that grit in your life was very important as it would enable you to reach goals.
    Growth mindset is about believing in yourself and working hard to achieve your goals.

  3. Lexie year 3 says:

    1. Peter was unhappy because the pigeons kept saying he was not like them . 2. Because he thought he could not fit in . 3. Peter learnt that everybody was different . 4.The important message is we are all different the way we are and that is good because if we were all the same it would be very boring we will all think the same stuff we would look the same . 5.I would make the doll like a boy with spiky hair and dark blue eyes wearing a stripey spotty t-shirt .

  4. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 enjoyed the story about Peter. We think he was unhappy because the pigeons were bossing him about, so he decided to go on a journey. On the journey he learnt that we are all different and it is good to be different.
    We talked about how we are different. We all have different talents and skills. Some of us are good at football, while others are good at drawing. Some of us are very independent, while others like to have support. But we all agreed that it is good to be different.

  5. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 talked about the story and mentioned that Peter was unhappy because the children were mean to him.
    The class talked about how we are all individuals so we are different in different ways, Being different is what makes us who we are.
    We also talked about resilience in class and how we can show our resilience like a teabag! The more we try and keep going the stronger we are. Just like a teabag in a cup of hot water. The longer the teabag is in the hot water the stronger the cup of tea!

  6. Foundation says:

    The children in Foundation loved the story about Peter the Peacock especially as lots of them have seen one in real life. They all agreed that the pigeons were very unkind and that we would not want to be like that! The children felt really sad that Peter called himself ugly, and we were all relieved that he found friends that helped him to feel good about himself. We know that we are all different and we are all fantastic!
    The children have recently learned about our bones and our bodies so they talked lots about ho wto make the mannequin human.
    Oscar said he needs brains, Lee said he needs a skull and a skeleton, Scarlett said he needs blood, Zunnurain said he needs muscles and Olivia said he needs a heart.
    We then had a super discussion about the organs in our bodies and the jobs that they do. Well done Foundation!

  7. Satra agostinho says:

    When our teacher read us the book and let us see the pitchers. you where right the pitchers where very good pester was sad because all of the pigeons where being mean to him yes prater did go on a journey, on his journey he meat lots of friends and Learnt that he was not ugly

  8. YEAR 4 says:

    In year 4 we think that individuality is good because its good to be different so we are not all the same, like robots!

    Peter was unhappy because all the pigeons were making fun of him, because he was different.

    Peter decided to leave and go on his journey because he was upset about the differences between himself and the other birds.

    The message that this story gives is that it is good to be different and everybody is unique. Nobody needs to change.

    Peter learnt that it is good to be different and he is beautiful just the way he is, and no one will ever change that!

    what we would add to a mannequin to make it human are; a heart, senses, a brain and other organs like lungs.

    A growth mindset is being able to work towards what we believe in.

    Professor Duckworth says ‘grit’ is being able to have perseverance and hard work.

    Having ‘Grit ‘ in your life is very important in everones life, to enable us to overcome our failures.

  9. EJones says:

    Peter was unhappy because he was different. peter left to go on a journey because all of the other robins that he grew up with made fun of him ans they wouldn’t notice if peter had gone. peter learnt that it is ok to be different and don’t listen to what other people say about you just because they are different as well. if we were all the same then life would be very boring and we would never learn or try anything new.

  10. s14rsharma says:

    Peter was unhappy because his pigeon flock was (that he grew up with) begin to start saying “you have rubbish wings and that those wing are to colorful for a boy like you.” Peter decided to leave on a journey because the pigeons were saying nasty stuff about him, and to him so he probably wanted time to himself and he got upset so he when to find some new friends. Peter learnt on this journey not to listen to anyone if they say mean stuff to him and just be who you are and believe in
    yourself. I think the message is that not to listen to anyone if they are being means and saying rude, nasty stuff about you and just believe in yourself an there is always one person out there who will e your friend and like you for you!

    A mannequin will need stuff like some clothes a mouth, lips, eye, eyebrows to be a human.

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