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14 Responses to pokemin

  1. Laila says:

    I think pokemon characters are very cool and awesome.

  2. Noah from Texas says:

    Which football are you talking about? Like soccer or like touchdown football? And I like picachu too and I don’t like Pokemon that much but I still think there cool.

  3. Jacob_Texas, US says:

    I love Pokémon and Terraria. I have Pokémon Blue from 1998 on my 3DS. I’m now looking for the gym in that game for the Rainbow Badge. I have the three other badges right now. The other three badges are the Earth Gym Badge, the Water Gym Badge, and the Lightning Gym Badge. Those are the ones I have.

  4. Brandin From Texas, US says:

    1.It’s Pokémon not pokemin. 🙂
    2.I like Pokémon, too.
    3.I also love Pokémon Trading card game. I have cards in real life, in the online version, and I win a LOT!
    4.I like Pikachu too but I like Mew the most.
    5.I watch Pokémon all the time on TV and Netflix.
    6.Try the game Poken Tournament on the Wii U. It’s really fun!!!

  5. Hayden from Texas says:

    I like Pokémon too and have lots of cards

  6. Warren from TX says:

    I also have Pokemon cards. My best card is Genesect EX.

  7. Jayden says:

    I thought you were only talking about Pokemon? What made you talk about bowling? Why do you also talk about
    the PS4? I have really cool Pokemon cards. Jayden from TX

  8. james says:

    How many Pokémon cards do you have?

  9. alex says:

    what is your best Pokémon card you have

  10. Reece from Pennsylvania says:

    Hey Max, I like your post about Pokémon. It seems like you really like it.

  11. Reece from Pennsylvania says:

    Hey Max, I like your post about Pokémon. It seems like you really like them.

  12. Katie from PA says:

    Football, in America is a different sport. We use an oval-shaped ball and you have to try to run down on the opposite side of the field to score what is called a touchdown. You can use yours hands to throw and catch the ball. You can also kick it into a big U shaped pole after you score a point. The kind of football you play, we call soccer.

  13. Adam from PA says:

    Hello Max! It’s great to meet you, I’m Adam from Pennsylvania. I have bowled before, and I must agree it is quite fun and exciting. I am quite the video game connoisseur, I have played thousands and thousands of video games on every console from the ancient NES to the newer PS and Xbox models. I have also been quite entwined with the Pokemon franchise, I own a few rarer cards and a lot of the original Game-boy video games. I can’t wait to begin our blogging partnership together!

  14. Grace From Pennsylvania, USA says:

    Hi! I love to go bowling but it’s really hard when you’re only 11. It’s very fun but I’m horrible. I always lose to my family.

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