Assembly 31st October

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7 Responses to Assembly 31st October

  1. YEAR ONE says:

    Year 1 know that we celebrate Halloween on the last day in October, the 31st. Lots of children celebrate by decorating their homes with skeletons, witches, pumpkins and lanterns. They go to their neighbour’s houses and knock on the doors and say ‘Trick or Treat.’ They take a bucket to fill with sweets and always remember to say Happy Halloween and thank you when they are given treats.

    In year 1 we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. We know that Guy Fawkes failed with his plot and so King James, the government and the Houses of Parliament were saved. We remember and celebrate this event every year on 5th November. We light fires and set off fireworks and we have parties and special food to celebrate.

    We talked about how sometimes it is good to fail at things because it can make you more determined to try harder to succeed. We used learning to ride a bike as a good example when you might fail to begin but if you keep on trying eventually you will succeed.

  2. Year 6 says:


    Halloween is celebrated on 31st October each year. People celebrate halloween by dressing up, decorating houses, trick or treating, having parties and scaring people.


    Guy Fawkes did not succeed with his plot. We celebrate the failure of Guy Fawkes because he didn’t kill the King and the translated the bible to English and this wouldn’t of happened if he died.


    It is sometimes good to fail because you can learn from your mistakes. They can help us to be determined which can help us to achieve things.

  3. Year 2! says:

    In Year 2 we all had a great Hallowe’en. Some of year 2 dressed up as witches, vampires, fairies and monsters. We had candy and sweets to eat. Some of our parents even had a Hallowe’en party! Miss Payne told us that Hallowe’en probably started in Ireland a LONG time ago. It was called All Saint’s Evening. We celebrated in Year 2 by carving pumpkins at Forest School and putting them out on our fence for everyone to see. Some of Year 2 even did their own pumpkins at home!

    Guy Fawkes and his friends were caught before they could kill anyone. It’s good he was caught because you really shouldn’t kill people. King James also started printing the BIBLE for all of us to read!! If he died that would have taken MUCH longer. Lot’s of children in Year 2 will be going to a Bonfire Night this weekend coming.

    Failure for us in Year 2 is hard. Sometimes it makes us cry and feel upset. That’s because we always want everything to be right all the time. Sometimes it’s ok to get things wrong. If we try and fail then next time we know how to do it correctly. So failure sometimes is a good thing – it helps us learn.

    From Year 2

  4. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 have been thinking about getting things wrong, we all get things wrong but it is about what we do to put things right. We always say that we must take responsibility of our actions right or wrong. It is always good to make a mistake because you have a sense of achievement when you put it right!

  5. Foundation says:

    Halloween: The children celebrated in a range of ways:
    Ava, Imogen and Riley had a go at pumpkin carving.
    Ellie, Sophie, Ava and Freddie went to a Halloween party and had lots of sweets.
    Nearly everyone in Foundation went Trick Or Treating.

    Guy Fawkes: We asked the children as part of our weekly challenge to find out about Guy Fawkes. Lee and Myrtle gave a brilliant recount of what happened. Lee went on to say that the fireworks are to remind us that it should never happen again.

    Failure: I asked the children who can help us if we get something wrong (or as Mrs Turner calls it an ‘Oopsy daisy!’), the children said that their friends, family and teachers would help them, we know that sometimes getting something wrong helps us to learn something new.

  6. Year 4 says:

    We know that Halloween is celebrated every year on the 31st October, although not everyone celebrates it. Some of us celebrated it this year by carving faces in pumpkins, dressing up as scary characters and going out ”Trick or Treating” with an adult. Some people also have a parties!

    Guy Fawkes is also celebrated at a similar time of year. His plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament FAILED. Thankfully the result of his failure was something worth celebrating!

    Is it good to fail?
    Daisy B said, “It’s good to fail because we learn from our mistakes and then know how to get something right next time.”
    Amber said, “It’s ok to fail as it helps us to understand that we can’t always get everything right or get our own way!”

  7. Ronika Sharma says:

    Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October and people also like to go trick or treating.
    I don`t normally go trick or treating i just stay at home, but I do give people sweets and stuff like that.

    We all learn from are mistakes so it does not really matter if you have made a mistake.
    It is okay to fail! and when we do we just understand it and do the right thing the next time.
    Yes I have learned from some mistake in life but learnt from all of them.

    Things we mite do to celebrate Halloween:
    .Carve pumpkins
    .Go trick or treat
    .Give sweets to other people

    No Guy Fawkes had failed the plan.
    His plan was to kill James the first/1!

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