The Bad Tempered Ladybird 2016

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12 Responses to The Bad Tempered Ladybird 2016

  1. Riley O'Connor says:

    Riley said if one of his friends was feeling bad tempered he would smile at them and go get them a toy to play with to make them happy again.

  2. Sebastian says:

    Sebastian said he is bad tempered when he is moody. His daddy asked him what makes him bad tempered and he replied “you daddy, when you wind me up!”

  3. Alice says:

    Alice and mommy swopped and we played each other. Mommy acted like Alice when she gets upset and bad tempered. Mommy asked Alice then how it made her feel when mommy and other people were like that and she said ‘sad’. We then played at being nice and that was better

    • foundation says:

      Role play is great idea to help children to understand other people’s feelings. Super work Alice and Mummy!

  4. Clare O Reilly says:

    We talked about what a bad temper was, Dylan said when someone is cross they shout and it makes people sad. Dylan said having a happy face makes other people happy so he would try to make his friend smile.

  5. lee wright says:

    Myself and Lee spoke about how more people will want to be your friend if you are not grumpy. Lee said people will be nice to you if you use manners 🙂

    • foundation says:

      Manners are definitely necessary! The children are encouraged everyday to use their best manners 🙂

  6. Sebastian says:

    Sebastian enjoyed watching a lady on YouTube read The Bad Tempered Ladybird, he was telling us all about the story that he had learnt at school & that all the ladybird wanted to do was fight.

    • foundation says:

      He definitely was a bad tempered ladybird! I am glad he enjoyed the story, it also teaches children about time.

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