Assembly theme 9th May

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11 Responses to Assembly theme 9th May

  1. Year 5 says:

    Miriam said that Daniel did the right thing even though it was against the rules and Emily said Daniel was brave enough to go into the lions den even though he might have been killed.

    Luke was brave when he went down a really big slide and Madyson was courageous when she got stuck at the top of a climbing frame. Jack did a front flip in gymnastics and landed on his big toe – it really hurt and he was brave about it. Lily was very brave when 4 of her fish died and she just had to get on with life. Archie was very brave when he came into school dressed as Lily for Super Hero Day. Hannah was really courageous when she had to have 3 teeth out and stiches put in.

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 loved the story. We think that this story tells us to trust in our own beliefs and to stand up for what we believe. Daniel believed that God would protect him. The children said that Daniel was a very brave man.
    Zachary said he had to show courage when he was washed out to sea by a wave and he had to swim back. Isla said she had shown courage when she swam for the first time without armbands. Sophie said she was brave when she went to the hospital with a broken arm. Ben said that he broke his leg on the escalator and had to show courage when he was at the hospital too.

  3. s14cpayne says:

    This story tells us that Daniel’s courage came from his belief in God and that God would save him from the Lions. Daniel showed courage by not running away from the Lions even though he might have been scared.

    Year 2 show lots of courage in the sports that they do by taking on new challenges and not running away from their fears.

  4. Year 4 says:

    We think this story tells us that courage is when:
    -people do what they think is right even though they may be punished or hurt.
    -people do what they think is right even though they are alone.

    Here are some examples of how we have showed courage in Year 4:
    -Telling my friends or family when they are doing the wrong thing.
    -Holding and stroking an animal that I was afraid of.
    -Not crying when I really hurt myself.
    -Playing something when I was scared that I may get hurt e.g. hardball.
    -Owning up to things when I have done something wrong.
    -Joining a new group.

  5. Samuel.H says:

    When my brother was doing the wrong thing and I stood up to him.

  6. 14skirk says:

    I have shown courage when I have fallen over and really hurt myself.

  7. Barnaby says:

    I think Danial is brave because of if he had prayed he would be eaten by lions but he would always pray to God

  8. Chloe.c says:

    I think Daniel was right to do what he believed in and not pray to the King first but pray to God because it was what he believed in.

  9. Eleanor says:

    I think that Daniel shows courage by sticking by God and not giving in to the rules.
    I showed courage by holding a really long snake at the safari park.

  10. s14RMitchell says:

    Year 3 concentrated wonderfully while we read the story and they liked it very much. We thought it was interesting that God could close the lions’ mouths. Daniel seems really thoughtful and honest and he was so brave to be the odd one out because he continued to pray, which is what he believed in. Daniel stood up for his religion.
    Millie was encouraged to have a go on the gymnastics bars by her friend, Amelie, who said, “I believe that you can do it!” This made Millie feel courageous. We all talked about and shared as a class times when we have shown courage. Lots of us have been brave by keeping on going when we have hurt ourselves.
    Lots of Year 3 have been brave and shown courage when they have been at themeparks and gone on gigantic, frightening, and as fast as two cheetahs rides!

  11. Foundation says:

    The children in Foundation thought that Daniel was really brave when he was taken to the lions. Isla said that when she has bad dreams she is brave but also has help from Mummy. Oliver said that when he misses his Mummy and Daddy and Nanny and Grandad look after him he has to be brave.

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