Year 2 – Science

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16 Responses to Year 2 – Science

  1. saffy says:

    I love science and I’m doing it at school because its fun and interesting. For my science project I am thinking about making something to do with exercise to show how your body works at the Olympics.

  2. Khadijah says:

    I am really enjoying my science project and this science project has been really fun!! :):)

  3. khai says:

    I have made a lego model from lego chain reactions.It is all about balls,levers and pulleys.I hope you enjoy it.

  4. Mollie H says:

    I am working on my thing for the science fair it is how your body works in different ways I am enjoying it so much. Today I am doing a bit more.

  5. george says:

    I am making a project it is a Lego man doing exercise its really fun I love making it.

  6. Thom says:

    I am doing something about food nutrition.It is about carbohydrates,fats,protines. I can not wait.

  7. max says:

    science is fun I ;v been looking forward to it I am doing my projet tomorrow it will be called the jelly machine

  8. jacob and jacobp says:

    I like one olympics running and I like wen they jomp i like yusabot i like ronning.

  9. jamie and oliver says:

    we love science because its fun and it is interesting and we are looking forward to are proget.

  10. darc says:

    I think I know what I’m going to do for my scince project .I love scicnce lots.

  11. Ted Mitchell says:

    I saw in the rowing if you make a small movement the over end dose a BIG movement.

  12. Lexie 2p says:

    I am doing heart rate

  13. Layton says:

    I was going to do the same as khai

  14. Sofia says:

    I am going to make my science project because it is fun and because I like doing my science project a lot . I hope my friend have lots and lots of fun.

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