Assembly 8th February

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10 Responses to Assembly 8th February

  1. Lily Ellis says:

    I am having pancakes for breakfast on pancake day. We had them at Brownies this week too. I have lemon and sugar on.

  2. s14gmccluskey says:

    Georgia M

    I love pancake day because you can put what you want on them .

  3. Year 1 says:

    Lots of children in Year 1 knew it was Shrove Tuesday this week. They said they were looking forward to eating pancakes. Mili, Zachary and Mrs Rooke like nutella on their pancakes. Isla and Archie like chocolate sauce. Honey on pancakes was a popular topping in Year 1. Aimee, Harvey, Poppy and Alex like this. William and Borys like to have strawberry jam on their pancakes.
    Year 1 know that Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent when some people choose to give up eating something for 40 days until Easter Sunday. They learnt the word ‘fasting’.

  4. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 all said they loved eating pancakes. Some said they liked them with just sugar, and some liked them with sugar and lemon. Lots of children liked chocolate on their pancakes. Pancake Day is the day before Ash Wednesday, this day is the first day of Lent. This is a time when lots of us give up something for Lent. For Lent some of are going to give up eating chocolate, special treats or even watching too much television! Mrs Chana is going to give up eating biscuits!

  5. MW and DW says:

    We love pancakes especially with lemon and sugar or nutella on them. We both know that Ash Wednesday is after shrove Tuesday. We are so excited!! Also we are going to give up eating sweets and chocolate for Lent.

  6. s14ahaines says:

    Everyone in Year 4 will be having pancakes today! Our favourite things to have with our pancakes are:
    -golden syrup
    -nutella and strawberries
    -chocolate and sprinkles
    -nutella and marshmellows
    -lemon and sugar
    -caramel sauce
    -chocolate chips and banana

    Ash Wednesday follows pancake day. We know that this is the first day of Lent and people usually give something up for 40 days. We are going to give up:

  7. s14jhunt says:

    Year 2 love pancakes! A lot of the children enjoy having sugar and lemon on their pancakes, and some even liked nutella on their pancakes!
    Year 2 talked about Ash Wednesday and what we could all give up for 40 days. We are going to give up: chocolate, sweets, and crisps.

  8. Foundation 2 says:

    In Foundation we love pancakes! Milly says her favourite topping on her pancake is cream and golden syrup, Freya says her favourite topping is banana and chocolate spread! Isla’s favourite topping is cherries and sugar. We all enjoy pancake day, it is lots of fun, some of the children enjoy helping their grown ups mix the mixture together to make their yummy pancakes.

  9. Year 6 says:

    In Year 6, we spoke about the significance of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, the first day of fasting. After talking about our pancake choices (Miss Dawson likes lemon and sugar 🙂 ), some of Year 6 told the class about what they will be giving up for Lent.

  10. 14mvincent says:

    Everybody loves pancakes.
    Here are some thing people like on their pancakes:
    lemon, sugar , golden syrup , chocolate spread , bananas ,cherries ,cream jam, netalla ,marchmellows , carmeka , strawberries , sprinkle , chocolate chips.

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