fair trade

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5 Responses to fair trade

  1. Millie Bradley says:

    When you seen the fairtrade sign, this means you are buying a product that has been made by farmers that have better working conditions and fair pay. Fairtrade support small farmers all over the world. I think that they do a good job because if they get better pay then they can afford to look after themselves and their families.

  2. Millie Bradley says:

    If you see the Fairtrade sign then it means that the farmers are getting better working conditions and better pay. Fairtrade supports small farmers all over the world because they think that it a good thing to do. I think it is good to because they can look after their families better.

  3. Millie Bradley says:

    If you see the Fairtrade sign then it means that the farmers are getting better working conditions and better pay. Fairtrade supports small farmers all over the world because they think that it a good thing to do. I think it is good too because they can look after their families better.

  4. Poppy Lyons says:

    I think Fair Trade means that if you buy fair trade apples the farmers will get more money than they will when you purchase normal apples. These are some of the jobs a farmer does to earn just ten pence, they plant the seeds, they look after the crops, they harvest the crops, they make sure the crops are not eaten by bugs and they make sure everything is ripe. I think more more people every year should purchase more Fair Trade because it will help the farmers a lot.

  5. Daniel m says:

    Fairtrade means when you see the Fairtrade badj you are giving the famer anuf money for his family . The famers do a briliant job . so next time get fairtrade foods .

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