Family Groups

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27 Responses to Family Groups

  1. Charlie says:

    My family group insect is the butterflies and we found out that butterflies can’t fly if they are cold. If a butterflies body temperature is less than 86 degrees then they can’t fly. Charlie said he could give the butterflies a cuddle to warm them up if they were cold!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      How kind you are Charlie! That must be why we don’t see them very early in the morning when it is colder…You found a great fact 🙂

  2. Megan says says:

    We have read lots of interesting facts about the ladybird, but these are Megan’s favourites:
    They smell with their feet.
    They clean their heads with their legs.
    Some are red, some are orange and others can be black.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Wow I never knew that Ladybirds could smell with their feet, I wonder how they can do that? I shall have to find out! Where do you think I can find the answer Megan?

  3. EJones says:

    Alice enjoyed finding lots of facts about ladybirds. Ladybugs are a type of beetle. Some ladybugs have no spots and others have up to 20 spots.To help defend themselves, ladybugs play dead. They also can release a yellow fluid that other bugs find stinky. When the temperature is near 60 degrees Fahrenheit or around 16 degrees Celsius, the ladybugs become active Ladybugs are both male and female. A ladybug can live up to a year long.
    Ladybugs are very helpful to a garden as they eat aphids and mites, which are bugs that are harmful to plants.
    An adult ladybug can eat up to 50 aphids in a day. Ladybugs taste and smell with their antennae.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      That is a lots of aphids! I definitely need to find ways to encourage ladybirds into my garden. I wonder how I could do that?

  4. James says:

    James is in butterflies and he told me to tell you that butterflies start off as caterpillars, they than make a cocoon. After a while they hatch out into a beautiful butterfly. Butterflies can live for a week or up to a year.

  5. Isla G's Mommy says:

    Isla’s favourite butterfly fact is that the Spanish word for butterfly is la mariposa.

  6. Hannah says:

    caterpillars turn into butterflies , Hannah was very impressed by that .

    • Mrs Turner says:

      It is very exciting to watch. In the Summer we will hopefully have the caterpillars again so that the children can see the whole process. I am sure they will be very curious about it!

  7. Lily says:

    I am a butterfly, a baby butterfly is a caterpillar when the caterpillar gets big it hangs upside down from a branch and turns into a cocoon. After two weeks it turns into a beautiful butterfly. A butterfly’s mouth is like a straw, it’s sicks up the nector from the flowers. I think butterfly’s are beautiful and I love being a butterfly.

  8. Milly says:

    Milly found out that ladybirds smell with their feet and that girl ladybirds are bigger than boy ladybirds.

  9. Isla B says:

    Isla finds it fascinating that caterpillars eat as much as they can, build themselves a coccoon, stay inside for two weeks then emerge a beautiful butterfly.

  10. Oliver says:

    Oliver discovered that Butterflies are endangered species, so should be encouraged to visit our gardens. They particularly like Buddliea trees. We talked a lot about how butterflies and lots of other insects are important to our food chain. (A subject close to Ollie’s heart!)

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Buterflies are important. We make sure that we return any insects we find in the classroom safely back into the outdoor area.

  11. Jack says:

    Jack’s family group is the ladybird. Jack has found out that ladybirds smell with their feet! Jack found this funny. The older a ladybird is the more their spots fade. Boy ladybirds are smaller than girl lady birds. Jack does not want to hold a ladybird in his hand in case it flies away and scares him a little.

  12. Archie says:

    Archie has found out that the fastest butterfly flies at 37mph but most fly at 5 – 12 mph.

  13. Ellis says:

    Ellis found out that Ladybirds can smell with their feet, he found this very funny! Also in America they call ladybirds ‘ladybugs’. He’s very excited about being in the ladybird family group!

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