The Blue Abyss………

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19 Responses to The Blue Abyss………

  1. Emily 4mb says:

    I have found lots about my ocean so far here is a fact; I am doing the Atlantic Ocean The greatest width of the Ocean is between Brazil and Sierra Leone 2,848 km or 1,700 Miles.

  2. Mrs Mitchell says:

    Wow that is a lot of miles isn’t it Emily!

  3. Miriam.C 4 MB says:

    I am doing the Indian Ocean, a fish was found that was ment to be extinct. It’s name is Coelaconth.

  4. Jayden says:

    I am doing the Arctic Ocean the Arctic Ocean temperature is -1.8 degrees

  5. Jayden says:

    I am doing the Arctic Ocean the Arctic Ocean temperature is-1.8 degrees

  6. Tabitha says:

    The summer season in the Southern Ocean runs to October to February while the winter season runs from March to September.

    The sea water under the surface of the ice only reaches 2 Degrees Celsius.

    The worlds largest penguin species the Emperor Penguin lives on the ice of the Southern Ocean.

  7. Sophia Bucknall says:

    On 26 December 2004 an earthquake under the Indian Ocean caused a Tsunami which killed 226,000 people.

  8. Sophia says:

    On 26th December 2004 there was an earthquake under the Indian Ocean which caused a giant wave called a tsunami which killed 226000 people.

  9. Lora says:

    There are five ocean in the world and the largest one is called the Pacific followed by Atlantic, Indian,Southern,and the smallest ocean is the Arctic.
    The ocean cover’s 71% of the Earth and 95% of the underwater world has not been explored.

  10. Matthew Marshall says:

    I have been looking at facts on the Arctic ocean. My favourite fact is, the name Arctic comes from a greek word meaning `near the bear`.

  11. Mrs Mitchell says:

    Well researched Matthew!

  12. Harry Jones says:

    The Pacific Ocean means Peaceful Ocean. The word Pacific comes from the Latin word pacificus.
    The lowest point on Earth is called Challenger Deep and it is in the Pacific Ocean near the Phillipine sea. It is 10,920 metres deep!

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