I think everyones cushon was FANTASTIC everyone tried there hardiest and when they were finnished they looked good. I would definatley but them if i was your pparents.Evyone came up with cool patternes and they all had lots of detail beads,buttons,seguins , applique and fabric pens.
I think everyones cushon was FANTASTIC everyone tried there hardiest and when they were finnished they looked good. I would definatley but them if i was your pparents.Evyone came up with cool patternes and they all had lots of detail beads,buttons,seguins , applique and fabric pens.
Well done everyone for making amazing cushons
I really loved doing our enterprise and how we did different designs for different cushions.
I really loved doing our enterprise and how we did different designs for different cushions,I think everyone tried very hard to make these cushions.
I liked making the cushions because I like doing sewing now.
it was so fun