Assembly 2 March

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10 Responses to Assembly 2 March

  1. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 said we are all special in different ways and that lots of people make them feel special:
    Lilley-Rose mentioned that her kitten makes her feel special.
    Charlotte said that her family makes her feel special because they love her lots.
    Oliver said that when he plays tennis he feels proud and special because he can play matches with other children.
    Eleanor said her friends make her feel special beacuse they always play with her.
    Charlie said his sister Lotte makes him feel special because they always get on.

  2. Year 6 says:

    In year 6 we have been talking about the things that make us special and how when we get to secondary school, we must make sure we hold on to these things and remember that we are special, even if people try to tell us that we’re not. We spoke about the fact that our parents will always think we are special and that we should cherish the relationships that we have with them and make them feel special too.

  3. sREdge says:

    In year 4 we have been discussing how we are unique. Anjali feels she is unique because she has the confidence to dance in front of people. Calum feels he is unique because he enjoys singing. David feels he is unique because he is the only boy in our class who was born in China. People in our in lives who make us feel special are our families and friends. We also feel that our pets makes us feel special. The world around us makes is feel special as everyone is different and none of us are the same.
    As a class we feel we make our friends and members of our family feel special by helping them around the house and cheering them up when they are upset.

  4. Year 1 says:

    In Year 1 the children said they are all unique because of the way they look. They talked about having different coloured eyes and hair and different shaped faces and bodies! They said that they were all different because they like doing different things. Nathan, Red, Oliver and Jacob said that they liked playing football whereas Meira enjoyed dancing. The children said that their Mums and Dads, Nannies and Grandads, brothers and sisters and their teachers give them lots of praise and make them feel special. They like to make others feel special by saying nice things to them!

  5. Joel Kavanagh says:

    I really like this poem, it makes me see that we are all different and I’m happy being me!

  6. Year 5 says:

    In Year 5, we spoke about who makes us feel special. We think our family is a large part of who makes us feel special. Before half term, we each thought of a particular talent that we could teach to someone else in the class. Each member of Year 5 did this really well and we all chose our own talent. This activity made us realise how unique we are.

  7. 14LBurke says:

    i like this poep because it makes me feel good about my self 🙂

  8. Nathan says:

    My mum, dad, brother and nan make me feel special. It’s good for everyone to be a bit different.

  9. Children in Year 2 and Miss Payne says:

    Today we talked about how others make us feel special by what they say. Sometimes people can tell you something nice about yourself and sometimes they can say you look nice. This makes us feel happy and special. Its hard sometimes to make other people feel special when they are mean to us but sometimes those people need to feel special the most. Nice things you can say are:
    Thank you for being my friend.
    I like you, I’m glad we are friends.
    You look nice today.
    I like what you are wearing, that is cool.
    Do you want to come and play at my house after school?
    You are my best friend.
    Don’t worry I will look after you.

  10. Mia says:

    my family make me feel special and I make them feel special. I am the only one in my family that has curly hair, but it is ok to be different and that makes me unique. But sometimes I would like to have short hair.

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