Christmas Celebrations

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24 Responses to Christmas Celebrations

  1. Harvey says:

    On Christmas day, Harvey and his sister wake up really early as they are so excited! The first thing they do is check their stockings to see if Santa has been! While they open their stocking presents Mummy and Daddy phone their Nanny and Grandad as they like to come over and watch them open their main presents downstairs!
    Once all the presents have been opened, which can take some time, Mummy and Daddy attempt to tidy up a bit while Harvey and Amelia play with their new things!
    We then go over to Harvey’s Nanny and Grandad’s for our Christmas dinner..yum!! We always have turkey with all the trimmings, including pigs in blankets if Grandad remembers to get them out of the oven!!!!
    Once we have eaten our Christmas dinner, we sit back and relax watching some Christmas day tv! Sometimes we go to Harvey’s great Aunty’s house where we get to see other family.

  2. Haydn says:

    Haydn and I have been talking about our Christmas routine, on Christmas Eve we like to walk around the Village and look at at the beautiful festive lights on all the houses, later that evening we put out our red stockings, then we place a plate with a mince pie and a glass of milk and a carrot for the Reindeers in the lounge, then off to bed ! On Chritmas morning we open presents ( if we are on the good list) and have a large family breakfast, with Uncle James and Uncle Mike. Later that day after playing with toys, we all have a lovely meal followed by a Christmas movie and cuddles on the sofa. Boxing Day we fill the house with friends and family, we all spend time together laughing and talking, we all eat together, then Mum makes us all go out for a family walk in the cold!!!!!!
    By Tyler and Haydn

    • Mrs Turner says:

      I do like a good walk at Christmas, we go for ours on Christmas Day after lunch (it is a very slow walk!). I hope you have a wonderful time 🙂

  3. Chloe Cash says:

    I loved watching the Christmas peformants all of foundation were amaizing in there little costumes. My faivirti bit was when you were singing together as a team so well done all. Chloe.c 3c

  4. James says:

    Christmas is about family for us. We will open our stockings in mummy and daddy’s bed, then we open our presents under the tree. We go visiting to see our Great Aunty and our Great Gran. We then go to our nanny and grandads for lunch and for the rest of the day to spend time with everyone.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      How lovely, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. James has told us all about the Christmas tree and the star on top, I think he is getting very excited 🙂

  5. 14AKothari says:

    On Christmas day Mili runs into her mummy and daddy’s bed and jumps as she’s very excited. Mili’s daddy is at work and comes back in the afternoon. Mili and her sister run down to see if Santa’s been.

    There’s lots of present and Mili and Anjali can open a couple of presents each and then wait for daddy to come home to open the rest.

    Then we have Christmas dinner with Mili’s grandparents.

    It’s all very exciting, very noisy and lots of fun

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Fantastic 🙂 They are very good to wait for their Daddy to come home, but I am sure that makes it even more exciting!

  6. Zachary says:

    On Christmas Day we will wake up early and see if Father Christmas has been and left any presents in the sack in Zachary’s room. We’ll then run downstairs to see if he’s left any presents under the Christmas tree and if he’s drank his whiskey and eaten his biscuits. We will then phone nanny and grandad to tell them it’s time to come to our house to open presents together. Later on we are going to a restaurant for Christmas lunch (we’ve never done this before) with Zachary’s mummy, daddy, nanny, grandad, great Aunty, great uncle and 7 second cousins. Later we’ll go to his great aunts for more food and lots of fun and games. It will no doubt be a late evening for a 5 year old but a fun filled family day and we cannot wait 🙂

    • Mrs Turner says:

      That sounds very exciting, I hope you have a wonderful meal! Our routine was different last year too, but it all worked out beautifully. I wonder how early Zachary will be getting up?

  7. Daniel Hillidge says:

    On Christmas morning the first thing Daniel will do is check to see if Father Christmas has been! He will open his stocking presents on mum and dads bed and help his little brother Alfie open his too.
    Then downstairs to see if Santa enjoyed his mince pie and have some breakfast, before looking under the tree to see the presents from mum and dad. We will then be off to visit the family, nanny and grandad first then grandma and grandpa for turkey Christmas dinner – yummy!

  8. Aimee's Mummy says:

    On Christmas Eve, Aimee will leave a homemade mince pie or Apple pie out for Father Christmas to eat. On Christmas Day, Aimee will probably wake up very early to see if he has visited and left presents. We will then open some presents and have a big breakfast. Then, if the weather is nice, we’ll go for a walk. In the afternoon the whole family gets together for a big Christmas dinner and more present opening. The rest of the day will be spent playing games, watching TV and eating. On Boxing Day, Aimee will spend the day with her Daddy’s side of the family for more eating, playing and present opening!

  9. Isla's mum says:

    Isla has some sparkly reindeer food to scatter to let Rudolph know where to land his sleigh. We will also leave a mince pie and beer for Father Christmas and a carrot for reindeer. Isla doesn’t want Father Christmas to come into her room so she will leave her sack downstairs. After hopefully opening our presents, mommy and daddy will start cooking the dinner for lots of my family including two of my cousins. My Nana will make sure we all sing The Twelve Days of Christmas (with actions)- a family tradition!

  10. Adam says:

    Adam and I talked about his Christmas routine and watched some home movies of previous Christmas’s including his first Christmas. Adam remembered that he wakes very early on Christmas Day and that after checking the contents of his stocking in our bed we all go downstairs to see if santa has eaten the goodies we have left him. This year adam has suggested that we also leave enough carrots for all the reindeer and not just Rudolph, to be fair. Next Adam goes in to the lounge to see what big presents he has received. This is all followed by a selection pack breakfast and some Christmas tv before getting dressed and having lunch. This year Adam will be having Christmas dinner at his Nan and Grandads and will spend Boxing Day with Nannie and Popsie and all of his cousins. Adam is very excited .

    • Mrs Turner says:

      I am sure he is! I know I am 🙂 How many carrots will you need altogether Adam? Can you find out their names of all the reindeer?

  11. Lotte says:

    Talking to Lotte about Christmas over the past few days its clear where her priorities lie. Presents and food! I asked her if she could remember what happens on Christmas day and she replied “we get presents”. So we talked about how lucky she is IF she does get presents. We also talked about eating bacon sandwiches (a family tradition) and Christmas dinner. She wanted to know why we have dinner in the day time. Valid question!! (We usually have our cooked meal in the evening). I asked her what she remembered about last year and she said “the octonauts cake”. We made an octopod chocolate cake last year, which is featured on the vegimals christmas. It took ages… I hope she doesn’t want it again this year. I suspect she does!
    This year both sets of grandparents will be here for Christmas. What a treat!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      We always have bacon sandwiches too, what a lovely tradition! How exciting to have both sets of Grandparents around for Christmas, will they help with the cake making?

  12. Alex says:

    On Christmas Eve, we go to a Christingle service. It’s a very happy church service with lots of carol singing and the vicar tells the christmas story. Alex gets a Christingle, which is an orange with a candle in the top and some cocktail sticks with sweets and raisins threaded onto it. Normally Alex eats the sweets straight away. This year we are getting to see both sides of our family on Christmas Day, we will visit Nanna and grandad in the morning, then have christmas dinner with grandma and Alex’s cousins. Alex is hoping that Father Christmas comes, we have a sign to put in the window and some special sparkly reindeer food so he spots our house on the way over cheswick green. We are counting down to christmas, only 9 sleeps to go!

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