The Very Busy Spider

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19 Responses to The Very Busy Spider

  1. Immy says:

    Immy found a red ants’ nest with her friend Ollie and she also wrote a list of mini beasts after looking in her big sister’s brilliant insect book.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      A super minibeast discovery! Just don’t get too close to the red ones, they can nip! Well done Immy, could you bring the list in?

  2. The Parry Boys says:

    Oliver has written a story about his favourite toy he had started this on Friday and bought the first few pages into school for show and tell. He hopes to keep adding more words and pictures to make a book. Jacob has been fishing this weekend and as a result we talked about the things he saw such as a dragonfly and crayfish. Jacob would like to know if Mrs Turner has ever caught a crayfish.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Excellent work boys! I look forward to seeing the rest of your book Oliver 🙂 To Jacob, I think I did catch one once when I was on a pack holiday with the Brownies!

  3. Nathan says:

    Nathan isn’t always keen to write but he did take great pleasure from writing a shopping list yesterday which he is going to bring into school. We went out with Khai and Lucy today and found some ‘creepy crawlies’ such as, worms, spiders, ants and wood lice. We then made a home for them!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Fabulous 🙂 We are looking forward to seeing your list Nathan! How did you make a home for the creepy crawlies?

  4. Kai says:

    Kai, made a home for the Snails he found in the garden. He wanted them to live in his bedroom.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Super work Kai! How did you make the snail home? (I think a snail might prefer to live outside with all of its snail friends, what do you think?)

  5. Meira says:

    Meira’s got a new note book. She memorised some of her friends names’, wrote them down and then checked the spelling with mummy.
    Meira and her friends who came to visit went to play in the garden and found slugs in different positions and learned how snails protect them selves with shells.

  6. Jacob N says:

    Jacob was very keen to write some lists. He wrote a birthday list and a toy shop list. He is looking forward to bringing them into school to show his friends and teachers.

  7. Harvey says:

    Today Harvey has written a shopping list!He will bring it into school tomorrow!
    Harvey would think of the item,I would write the word down and he would copy it onto his sheet of paper.He enjoyed doing this activity.His list seemed to be made up of a lot of his favourite foods including chocolate,lolly pops and bananas!!

  8. Ross says:

    Ross has been doing lots of writing on the chalk board and on post it notes. He enjoys sticking the post it notes around the house. He did a very special one which said ‘mom’ and had lots of kisses on it too. We have decided that Ross’ brother is very good at drawing brightly coloured wiggly worms, all mashed together in one pile.

    We have lots of bugs and insects in our garden and there has even been a snail that has moved into our porch. Ross asked for an insect book which we found and he wants to learn about all of the different kinds especially ants! (Mommy is learning lots too). On our way to Nanny’s house today mommy had a money spider crawling up her arm. Ross wants to know why it’s called a money spider, so google is next on my hit list.

    • Mrs Turner says:

      Post it notes are so useful, mine help me to remember important things. Google is another useful thing! I wonder why money spiders are called that?

  9. Sofia says:

    Sofia has been working on the Rainbow Teddy’s Adventure book. She has been writing her adventures with Teddy and she has pasted her photographs on the book, she also wanted add some stickers on it. She has some pictures of her writing, she will show you next week.

  10. ted says:

    ted wrote thank you cards to a friend we visited and lists of stuff for our house move. He also listed what he found on a big hunt , he was most impressed with the tickly millipede we found.

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