bird watch

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5 Responses to bird watch

  1. James Harrison says:

    That is one cool bird, can it actually fly, Year 2?

  2. Mrs Anup says:

    Shreya was gazing through her room window to see birds. She made a list of birds she saw. She told , she saw white pigeons, mallards that migrate from one place , a small bird who visits the pear tree, a black color bird . Shes keen in learning the names of the birds , so searches on the net. Good way to learn about birds !!!!

  3. Stanley says:

    I enjoyed looking at different birds and making the paper bird and the poster.

  4. ellia woodward says:

    The berds sown difunt to me and they sound nice to me and i igory doowig the wersher shert and curiglrig the bersheet
    sheet with my frendsy culld Beta and she hwot me clluy sheet because she did have a nufea sheat that wiy she shed
    me sheat. To misr basxay and misr maysun and it is for evewon because they orar uly my fredy and i am evebodee fredsy
    in my claroom because evewon is my fredus but my betit fred is beta and naomey.

  5. shreya says:

    I am still looking for birds in my house , school.

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