F1 Getting on and Falling Out

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19 Responses to F1 Getting on and Falling Out

  1. Zachary says:

    This weekend Zachary has played lots of different games with his family. He has played: snakes & ladders; shopping list; jenga; pool; don’t rock the boat; Mario Party. All games meant that Zachary has to wait for his turn and to accept that you can’t always win every game. Over the past month he has learned that getting upset and falling to the floor when you don’t win isn’t good form ;-). When he doesn’t win he now asks if we can all play again until it’s his turn to win!

  2. Ross says:

    Mommy played ‘Pop up Pirate’ with me and we took it in turns to put the swords in to see who could make the pirate jump up first. Sometimes I did and other times mommy did. Nathan played too with some help from mommy.

  3. Joe says:

    Joe has been practicing taking turns and co-operating with other people . Joe played an animal card game with his daddy and brother Oliver, where he had to take turns and get used to not always winning. Joe also played a game with his brother Oliver when they were both out on their scooters. They took it in turns to be the leader, and swopped over when they got to a lamppost.

  4. Archie Williams says:

    Archie has been playing tiddlywinks games, he is very good at taking it in turns, he normally is the one out of him and his brothers that tells everyone to take turns, he is the gaffa especially when his nan and brothers are playing with him.

  5. Ross says:

    I went to Umberslade Farm today with my brother and my cousin, Evie-Rae. We took it in turns on the swing and we also took turns driving the tractor. I let Evie-Rae go first driving the tractor. Evie-Rae wouldn’t let Nathan have a turn on the little pedal tractors and we had to explain to her that she had to share! I had a lot of fun today.

  6. Harvey says:

    At the weekend, Harvey’s big sister made a Christmas board game, a bit like snakes and ladders! The rules were, that if you landed on a ‘good house’ you received a present from Santa’s sleigh and if you landed on a ‘bad house’ you had to put a present back onto the sleigh!
    Harvey was pretty good at taking turns with his sister but just needed some help with counting out the jumps!
    Harvey won the game anyway so he was happy!!

  7. Haydn says:

    This afternoon I played snake and ladders with my Mum, we took it in turns to throw the dice and move our piece, I kept going up the snakes and Mum kept going down the ladders, it was very funny. In the past I have played games with my older brother and he has taught me it’s better to share our games and toys when we play as we have lots more fun together.

  8. Lotte says:

    Lotte has been playing lots of games this week, her ladybird game, and her cupcake game, and we have talked about taking it in turns to start. We have also talked about winning, and how it doesn’t matter if we don’t win sometimes!

    • Mrs Turner says:

      You have been busy! Yes, it can be disappointing if we lose, but it can help to remember that our friends and family like to win too. I like the sound of the cupcake game, is this a new one?

  9. Alex says:

    This week Alex played Pass the parcel at his cousin Freddie’s birthday party. Alex has learnt that you have to pass the parcel on as long as the music keeps playing, sometimes Alex got to help others open their parcels if they were too little to do it themselves but he knew he had to give the present back to them afterwards. We also played operation which Freddie had for his birthday. Mummy and Alex played as a team because its quite tricky.

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