17th January

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7 Responses to 17th January

  1. s14smiah says:

    Why do you think World Religion Day is so important?
    Ellis – it is important to celebrate religions all around the world
    Archie – it shows people all the different religions and how they are all different but also have similarities

    What did all the religions have in common?
    Riley – they all worship their God
    Ellis – they all stay committed
    Lily – follow their rules
    Charlie – they all show each other respect
    They all have a place of worship

    Ramadan and Eid
    It is important we treat all of Allah’s creatures and animals equally
    Riley – no matter how small or how big they are, God’s creatures are still God’s creatures.

    This is the Hindu festival of light.
    It has the hope that good will happen.
    You must have light in your life to see anything and move anywhere.
    Riley – they believe that there is no light without a God in your life
    James – they put candles outside their doors and they have a spring clean ready for the new year and visitors. For Hindus, Divali is the new year.
    Dylan – Hindus decorate their front door steps with lots of colour to show that everyone is welcome

    Lily – The maccabees fought against King Antiochus
    Isla – every year they light a candle called the Menora and leave it burning for 8 days

    We looked at a story involving a monkey king and a human king.
    Lexi – we should look after all our animals / people in our world and not doing anything to hurt them
    Riley – even though the monkey king could have ordered people to protect him, he let others go before him and wasn’t selfish
    Ellis – everyone is equal

  2. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 enjoyed the Assembly today and finding out about World Religion day. they enjoyed the flag and symbols activity. They named about 4 countries using the flags but needed more help with the symbols. A few children recognised them but needed help to name the religion.
    Year 1 think that World religion day is important so they can learn about all the different religions and have a better understanding about the beliefs of others. We talked about the word respect and how we need to respect others and their beliefs. We also talked about the word tolerance and how we must learn to accept that everyone has different beliefs and that is okay.
    We said that all the religions share things like:
    – promoting the values of love and joy – Na’Taiyah
    -kindness – Charlie
    -sharing – Morwenna
    – wanting peace in our world – Reggie
    -praying – Matilda
    -having a special place to worship – Daniel

    We are going to be learning about Islam today and are excited to find out about this religion.

  3. Foundation 2 says:

    Foundation 2 discussed what it meant to respect each others beliefs.

    Emily commented: We all should share
    Danny said: The class that we all need to be kind
    Koben added: All religions have love in them
    Conor added: We all should try to make someone happy if they are feeling sad

  4. Year 5 says:

    Year 5 enjoyed the assembly and we managed to match all of the symbols with the correct religion.

    Why is World Religion Day so important?

    Danny – so we can all learn and understand more about different religions.
    Charlie – it helps us to understand the differences between religions.
    Dexter – it gives us knowledge about possible different clothing or symbols or items, for different beliefs.

    What did all the religions have in common?

    Dexter – they all have a God that they believe in.
    Zunnurain – they all show respect.
    Danny – all have a creation story.
    Sebastian – they all hope for a peaceful world.
    Charlie – they all show love for their God.

  5. s14RMitchell says:

    Why is World Religion Day important?
    Maya- Important to have a special day where we can be kind.
    Ava – Some people will meet with family and friends.
    Sophia – Worship God and religious figures.

    We watched the video about The Christian Story of the Good Samaritan and the Lost Sheep. The children took away these key points.
    Rio- Treat people the way you would want to be treated.
    Mylo – To help people in need regardless of feelings towards them (Friends and enemies.)
    Sophia- Love your neighbor as you love yourself
    Hollie – Respect other people and the law.

  6. Mrs Arnold says:

    Why is world religion day so important?
    Molly – So we can find out about different religions
    Flossie – We can celebrate differences
    Molly G – We need to respect other religions

    What did all the religions have in common?

    They all have a God, they all have a creation story, they all have respect for each other. We should all love each other and live in peace.

  7. 14vwilson says:

    Why do you think World Religion Day is so important?
    Sophia- it brings people together.
    Edward- it unites us all.

    What did all the religions have in common?
    Georgia- love.
    Matilda- kindness and friendliness.
    Elliot- respect.
    Edward- patience.

    The Year 4 children are currently finding out lots about Judaism which they are enjoying!

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