What are you looking forward to most this school year?
James – learning new Maths
Lily – Overnight school trips
Lexi and Georgia – sitting on the benches in assembly
Riley – bouncy castle
Ellis – school football team
Alice – rounders
How can you help everyone who is new to our school feel welcome?
Let them play with you, show them around, if they are hurt then help them and look after them, chat to them, introduce yourself.
How can we make our school the best it can be?
Kindness, being respectful, make kind gestures, helping everybody and being a role model.
Can you remember any of the wise things Confucious said?
Listen to others with your ears
Always play fair
Use your eyes to see
Which of these do you think are most important as we start this new school year?
All of these wise words are important to start a new school year successfully
Lots of year 1 children said they were most looking forward to learning this year. Rosie said she was looking forward to going into the hall to eat lunch.
We can help people new to our school by being kind (Esme), by being friendly (Morwenna), by playing with each other (Kyton), by being helpful (Jake) and by smiling (Maddie).
We can make our school the best it can be by always doing our best and behaving well and being kind at all times.
Year 1 loved the story and said that Confucious’s wise words were
– playing fairly with others. (Esme)
-using your eyes to see wonderful things. (Dorothy)
– using your ears for good listening. (Jake)
– to always wear a friendly smile. (Kyton)
-to be polite and well mannered. (Dexter)
– to always tell the truth. (Morwenna)
-to make sure you behave in a way like you would expect others to treat you. (Chloe)
Year 1 think that all of these wise words are important as we start this new year.
Nathan – all of the school trips.
Ellie – learning new things in P.E.
Lee – art and the Year 5 football team.
Danny – coding on the computer.
Zunnurain – year 5 football team.
Amelia – swimming in school if we get the opportunity.
Sebastian thinks that if someone new joins the school, you should be kind and let them join in.
Nathan thinks that if someone joins and they are nervous, we should introduce them to new friends and include them.
Chloe remembered that Confucious said you should use your eyes to see wonderful things.
Imogen remembered that Confucious said you should use our ears to listen and learn.
Year 4 enjoyed the story and agreed that his wise words were very wise indeed!
Charlie T- show respect and open your eyes to enjoy the world
Finley- show kindness and never give up
Ben B- encourage each other
Phoebe- be helpful
Matthew- be positive
What are we looking forward to this year?
Charlie R- cooking
Joe- The Roman topic
Georgia- fractions ‘I found these tricky last year but I’m going to get it this time!’
Poppy-Mai- earning my pen licence
Ben A- more D and T
Edward- Science experiments, and maybe physics?
Elliot- School events like fayres
Madison- story writing
Finley- school trips
Courtney- hard work
How can we help support new children?
We have a new friend in Year 4 so we had a great discussion about ways we can make him feel part of our team.
Jenson- go over to them and make friends
Charlie T- show them respect. Support them and give them advice.
Courtney- be kind to them
I’ve been on playground duty this week and I’ve seen my class encouraging our new boy to play with them. Well done Year 4!
How can our school continue to be the best?
Georgia- when we go out on trips show off our best behaviour for others to see
Joe- make sure there is no bullying
Elliot- be an eco friendly school
Matilda- be kind and caring to all
Poppy-Mai- show friendliness
What are you looking forward to most this school year?
James – learning new Maths
Lily – Overnight school trips
Lexi and Georgia – sitting on the benches in assembly
Riley – bouncy castle
Ellis – school football team
Alice – rounders
How can you help everyone who is new to our school feel welcome?
Let them play with you, show them around, if they are hurt then help them and look after them, chat to them, introduce yourself.
How can we make our school the best it can be?
Kindness, being respectful, make kind gestures, helping everybody and being a role model.
Can you remember any of the wise things Confucious said?
Listen to others with your ears
Always play fair
Use your eyes to see
Which of these do you think are most important as we start this new school year?
All of these wise words are important to start a new school year successfully
Georgia and Matilda, in Year 4, think the things you are looking forward to sound exciting!
Lots of year 1 children said they were most looking forward to learning this year. Rosie said she was looking forward to going into the hall to eat lunch.
We can help people new to our school by being kind (Esme), by being friendly (Morwenna), by playing with each other (Kyton), by being helpful (Jake) and by smiling (Maddie).
We can make our school the best it can be by always doing our best and behaving well and being kind at all times.
Year 1 loved the story and said that Confucious’s wise words were
– playing fairly with others. (Esme)
-using your eyes to see wonderful things. (Dorothy)
– using your ears for good listening. (Jake)
– to always wear a friendly smile. (Kyton)
-to be polite and well mannered. (Dexter)
– to always tell the truth. (Morwenna)
-to make sure you behave in a way like you would expect others to treat you. (Chloe)
Year 1 think that all of these wise words are important as we start this new year.
Georgia, in Year 4, thinks these are great things to look forward to in Year 6.
Matilda also thinks these are great to look forward to.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Nathan – all of the school trips.
Ellie – learning new things in P.E.
Lee – art and the Year 5 football team.
Danny – coding on the computer.
Zunnurain – year 5 football team.
Amelia – swimming in school if we get the opportunity.
Sebastian thinks that if someone new joins the school, you should be kind and let them join in.
Nathan thinks that if someone joins and they are nervous, we should introduce them to new friends and include them.
Chloe remembered that Confucious said you should use your eyes to see wonderful things.
Imogen remembered that Confucious said you should use our ears to listen and learn.
Year 5 really enjoyed the assembly!
Year 3 talked about what we are looking forward to in year 3.
Reuben – learning new things
Jack – harder Maths
Pippa – English work
We have two new children in our class so we chatted about how we are making them feel welcome by playing with them, being kind and helping them.
Being kind, and following the rules will make our school a better place.
We loved Miss Mason’s story. We talked about the wise words that were said within the story:
Play with others
Use your eyes to see wonderful things
Don’t lie
Don’t be jealous of others
Be kind to others
Year 4 enjoyed the story and agreed that his wise words were very wise indeed!
Charlie T- show respect and open your eyes to enjoy the world
Finley- show kindness and never give up
Ben B- encourage each other
Phoebe- be helpful
Matthew- be positive
What are we looking forward to this year?
Charlie R- cooking
Joe- The Roman topic
Georgia- fractions ‘I found these tricky last year but I’m going to get it this time!’
Poppy-Mai- earning my pen licence
Ben A- more D and T
Edward- Science experiments, and maybe physics?
Elliot- School events like fayres
Madison- story writing
Finley- school trips
Courtney- hard work
How can we help support new children?
We have a new friend in Year 4 so we had a great discussion about ways we can make him feel part of our team.
Jenson- go over to them and make friends
Charlie T- show them respect. Support them and give them advice.
Courtney- be kind to them
I’ve been on playground duty this week and I’ve seen my class encouraging our new boy to play with them. Well done Year 4!
How can our school continue to be the best?
Georgia- when we go out on trips show off our best behaviour for others to see
Joe- make sure there is no bullying
Elliot- be an eco friendly school
Matilda- be kind and caring to all
Poppy-Mai- show friendliness