22nd March

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7 Responses to 22nd March

  1. s14smiah says:

    Who helped Vashti see her art differently?
    Her teacher helped her. She asked Vashti to draw something and sign it. She then put it in a gold frame.

    What do you need self – belief for?
    Charlie – if you are doing anything you need to believe in yourself
    James – to eat all of your vegetables to be healthier

    Is there anything that you think is ‘impossible’ for you to do?
    Ava – everything is possible if you work hard at it.

    Who or what could help you to achieve the ‘impossible’ ?
    Family, siblings, friends, having lots of energy and teachers.

  2. Year 1 says:

    Aiden told us that it was the teacher that helped Yashti to see her art work differently. Neave said that the teacher put it in a swirly gold frame and hung it up on the wall for everyone to see. Imogen told us that the teacher asked her to sign it and that made Yashti feel that it was special and a worthwhile piece of work.

    In the Barnabus Project the children told me that the failed projects thought that seeing the light of day, the sky and stars was impossible. Molly said it was Barnabus that helped them realise that nothing was impossible.

    Charlie said you need self-belief to help you succeed in life. Flossie said you have to believe in yourself. Molly B said that you can make what seems like it is impossible, possible when you have self-belief.
    Finnley said Mums and Dads can help. Jenny said teachers can help. Imogen said our friends can help.

  3. s14jsmith says:

    Year 4

    Who helped Vashti see her art differently?
    The teacher helped Yashti see art differently. The teacher framed the work to make Yashti feel like their effort was appreciated.

    What do you need self – belief for?
    Lee – Self – belief is needed to be successful.
    Olivia – Self – belief is needed to overcome fears.

    Is there anything that you think is ‘impossible’ for you to do?
    Danny – To travel to space. This can be achieved by working hard to reach goals and believing that he can do it.
    Dexter – To complete a bungee jump.

    Who or what could help you to achieve the ‘impossible’ ?
    Family, Friends and Teachers can help us achieve the impossible.

  4. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 love this story. We could see the link between this story and the self-belief that Barnabus showed in his story.
    We discussed how Vashti felt at the start of the story:
    Noor-Ul said- miserable
    Phoebe said- grumpy
    Alex said- sad
    Jenson said- angry with herself
    We discussed these being negative feelings.
    Who believed in Vashti?
    Charlie T- the teacher.

    We discussed the word ‘encouragement’ and how important this is for your self belief. The children recognised that Vashti then went on to encourage the boy and that her feelings had changed.
    Elsie said- she was feeling confident and proud
    Charlie R said- she was pleased with herself

    We linked this story to our work on having a growth mindset.

  5. Mrs Arnold says:

    Who helped Vashti see her art differently?
    Alfie said that the teacher her see her work differently.
    Dylan explained that the teacher used a golden frame to put around her art work.

    Mylo said that Barnabus had self belief to change things for the better for the failed projects.

    We talked about our own self belief, what felt impossible and how we have over come them:
    Alfie said he held a snake and he is no longer scared.
    Maya said at the fair was a scary ride but when she tried it she really enjoyed it.
    Dylan told us about Thomas Land how there was a scary ride that she enjoyed it.
    Mohammad-Deen told us he rolled down a hill when he was really scared.

  6. foundation says:

    Foundation 2 enjoyed the story of “The Dot.” We discussed about how Yashti’s teacher helped her to belive in herself and see how special her art work was by placing a golden frame around her work.

    What do you need self-belief for?
    Charlie: For when you think you can’t do something. You believe in yourself and then you can do it.
    Jake: If you think something might be impossible then you need to believe in yourself so you can do it.

    Is there anything you think is “impossible” for you to do?
    Morwenna: To travel to the moon and the sun.
    Oliver: To touch the ceiling.

    Who can help you achieve the “impossible”?
    Matilda: Your mummy and daddy.
    Chloe C: Nan and Grandad.
    Minnie: Everyone you know.
    Charlie: Teachers can help you.

  7. miss haines says:

    The teacher helped Yashti see her art differently (see it better) by framing it.

    Barnabus had self-belief because even though Pip said it was impossible for them to break free, Barnabus believed in himself and managed to free himself and ALL the other failed projects.

    We need self-belief to be able to succeed.

    Impossible things:
    – Lockdown ending
    -Coronavirus going away
    – Being able to be as good at a sport as you were before
    – Passing my GCSES
    – To swim

    Who or what can help?
    – scientists believing and working hard
    – commit and be resilient
    – not give up

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