8th March

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11 Responses to 8th March

  1. LShi says:

    I think teamwork is when people work together on something like a picture.

    Teamwork, kindness and listeners.

    I belong to a gymnastic team in Wythall.

    So people know what’s happening that day.

    They need to make sure that everyone is there until they start because that is good Teamwork!

    My fave picture is the one where all the dogs are in the river holding onto a stick because one I love dogs and two it’s funny.

    I learnt that elephants protect the baby’s if a predictor is near.

  2. 14lcoates1 says:

    I think teamwork is when everyone helps each other to achieve something.
    What makes a good team is when you all work together and stay positive .
    I belong to stagecoach, dance team, school team, netball team, singing team and a acting team.
    Teams need to collaborate because if you don’t you won’t reach what your trying to achieve.
    A team also works together is kind to each other and treats there team mates nicely.
    My favourite picture is all the dogs carrying the heavy stick because it shows that there working together.

  3. MPow says:

    Teamwork is a group of people and when they work together to do something. To make a good team you need people that are trust worthy and you need to work together to complete what your trying to do. I do a club called brownies and I do swimming there is different things me do to work together, teams need to collaborate to achieve what they are trying to do! A team needs to trust each other because if they got a ball stuck in a tree and someone was lifting them up to get to the tree they would need to trust them that they wouldn’t drop them. My favourite picture is the dogs in the water all trying to carry the stick because they are working together and there all participating.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What do you think teamwork is?
    Ava said when you work together to achieve the same goal.

    What makes a good team?
    Charlie said people would have to be helpful and work together. Zeb said they should be able to collaborate. Isla said you need to be able to listen to each other. Lily said you need to be able to communicate well.

    Year 5 are part of lots of different teams 🙂

    The elephants were using their trunks to try to help the baby elephant. They were very smart as they worked out that they could go into the water and ‘push’ the baby elephant out. They showed great teamwork and didn’t give up.

  5. s14smiah says:

    What do you think teamwork is?
    Ava said when you work together to achieve the same goal.

    What makes a good team?
    Charlie said people would have to be helpful and work together. Zeb said they should be able to collaborate. Isla said you need to be able to listen to each other. Lily said you need to be able to communicate well.

    Year 5 are part of lots of different teams 🙂

    The elephants were using their trunks to try to help the baby elephant. They were very smart as they worked out that they could go into the water and ‘push’ the baby elephant out. They showed great teamwork and didn’t give up.

  6. Year 1 says:

    What is teamwork?
    Lukas said that it is when people help each other.
    Molly B said it is when people work well together.

    What makes a good team?
    Nikos said it is when people get on well together.
    Zac said it is when people listen and co-operate together.

    Molly, Neave, Sofia, Keira, Mellieha, Emma and Gracie all belong to Rainbows. Aiden, Jenny and Zac belong to the Football team.

    What do teams need to collaborate?
    Frankie told us that teams need to listen well to each other. Molly G told us that teams need to communicate well. teddy said they need to help each other to achieve a goal.

    Year 1 loved the clip watching the elephants work as a team. They told me they had to work together to help rescue the baby elephant. Flossie said they had to be resilient. Lois said they needed to persevere as it wasn’t easy and they had to keep going. Lois told us that it was teamwork that helped to get them through!

  7. miss haines says:

    We think teamwork is working together as a team to get a result that they all want. We think that in an team you all listen to one another and speak nicely to each other and sometimes in a team you have be patient and compromise.

    A good team is when everyone’s ideas are listened to and where everyone is respected and treated fairly.

    Yes we belong to Year 6 team, Cheswick Green team, football teams, outside school clubs.

    You need to collaborate in order to get the result that you want.

    The elephants never gave up, they worked as a team and they tried a variety of methods to save the baby and the final method was successful.

  8. foundation says:

    Foundation 2 discussed the meaning of teamwork. We spoke about the importance of listening to and helping others when working in a team.

    Dorothy’s favourite picture was where one cat is helping the other to climb a fence. Oliver liked the picture of the dogs carrying a large stick together. Minnie liked the picture of the tigers as they are working together to find food.

    We watched the videos of the elephants helping a calf. Jake said, “the elephants were working together to help the baby. They are using their trunks.”

  9. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 talked about the stories that had been read and concluded that they were both about TEAMWORK.
    Alex said- teamwork is about helping each other
    Charlie T said- It’s about working as a team
    Dylan said- its about friendship too
    Elliot said- it’s about listening to each other
    We talk about ‘communicating’ in Year 3 alot to help us understand each other, strengthen our friendships and support us as a team. We recognised this idea in the second story where the phrase “strength in unity” was used. Edward said that unity is about us being united together.

    We worked together to complete parts of a jigsaw, recognising that if one part of the team didn’t do their best or try their hardest, it would let the team down. We also talked about helping someone who was strugling to complete their part.

  10. Mrs Arnold says:

    What is teamwork?

    Sophia – Helping people
    Gwen – Working together
    Mohammad – Being kind to others

    What makes a good team?
    Orla – Helping each other
    Eva – Being kind to each other
    Holly K – Making sure everyone compromises

    What do teams need to collaborate?
    Listen to each other and be helpful

    Everyone is the class agreed they were part of at least one team – the class team!

    We loved the elephant video and how they all worked together.
    Dylan said they used their trunks to work together
    Gwen said they went into the water and gave the elephant a boost
    They moved away and came back when they were needed

  11. 14vwilson says:

    Year 3 enjoyed watching the elephant video.
    Phoebe said- they all tried to help the calf out of the river
    Poppy-Mai said- it was about working together/ teamwork
    Madison said- they kept going
    Matthew said- they showed kindness because they could have left him
    Noor-Ul said- they were all helpful
    Elsie-Rai said- they were trying to help him swim
    Reuben said- it’s about friendship
    Courtney said- it’s about caring

    As a class, we thought this video displayed lots of great qualities and we could see the links with the story we are reading in class.

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