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4 Responses to money

  1. s14lbird says:

    You’ve made some really valid points on this blog! Lots of people work unpaid to get experience in their chosen career first.

    That’s really interesting that you would like to be a speech and language therapist. I’m sure you would be fabulous as you are always so kind and caring in class and good at talking to people!

    Mrs Bird

  2. Mrs Arnold says:

    Well done Adah, this is fantastic! I didn’t know you wanted to be a speech and language therapist! You would definitely suit that job, you are kind and have patience and listen. I wonder how you know about that job, is it a job someone in your family does? I have to see a speech and language therapist because as a teacher, over time I have over-used my voice. I think you would be seeing a lot of teachers. You could give your Mum some tips!

    Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and think about the questions, you have given some thoughtful responses. You are right that it wouldn’t be fair if everyone got paid the same.

    Keep up the good work,

    Mrs Arnold

  3. Adah says:

    Thank you. My auntie and my friend’s mum are Speech and Language Therapists.

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