Home learning 4th May 2020

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7 Responses to Home learning 4th May 2020

  1. lexi coates says:

    Dear Bilbo,
    I am writting to you to ask if you could come on a aventure with me to defeat the ogars by the caves. It is very important that you come because otherwise the other Hobbits would be in terrible danger.
    I strongly believe that you will be able to defeat the ogars and save the Hobbits once again.

    Firstly, The ogars have allready ruined a few hobbit holes, so that’s why we need you to come with us to defeat them otherwise the hole villiage will be ruined and broken apart. Secondly, you will need to have a lot of pretection because they are very powerfull and are humongusly tall. It would be digraceful if you didn’t come because you will be the one to blame if the hole village get’s broken. The Ogars live by the caves were it is very dark and gloomy you will have to wear very dull clothes to camouflage so you won’t be as visible to the Ogars. You wil have to leave you’re Hobbit Hole and pack some clothes because it will take a long time to defeat the Ogars. You will also need to pack a tent to sleep in at night so you don’t get cold, try and find the dullest tent so we won’t attract much attention to the Ogars. Finally, you will have to leave you’re family behind otherwise they will be at risk. It will be disgraceful if you don’t come because the hole Village will be ruined.

    Your Sincerley Gandalf

    • Mrs Arnold says:

      Well done Lexi, this is excellent. I particularly like the line ‘it would be disgraceful if you didn’t come’. Excellent use of ‘firstly’ and the ‘finally’ to complete your letter. Well done Lexi, I am impressed!

      Keep up the good work,

      Mrs Arnold

  2. s14jlaishley says:

    Wow a really persuasive letter Lexi. I don’t think Bilbo would be able to refuse. Some really important points to encourage Bilbo to help. I feel sure Bilbo will feel scared with the obstacles he will have to face but he will be really brave. Well done Lexi.

    Mrs Laishley

  3. Adah says:

    If a part of the food chain was missing the other animals in the food chain would disappear.

    • Mrs Arnold says:

      Excellent knowledge Adah! Have you thought about how one part might go missing?

      Mrs Arnold

      • Adah says:

        We found out that a part of the food chain might break down because of pollution. As it reaches the top of the food chain it can become more toxic and can cause death.

  4. s14jlaishley says:

    Well done Adah. Our food chain is really important and we must make sure no links disappear. Post your answers to Mrs Arnold’s question Year 4. We would like to know your thoughts about this. Keep up the hard work.

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