Cool Maths Facts

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5 Responses to Cool Maths Facts

  1. Sebby says:

    When we were playing monopoly, we noticed that 7 was rolled more than any other number and we wondered why. We did a little investigation and wrote down all the ways to make all of the possible outcomes of rolling 2 dice (2 – 12). There are more ways of making 7 than any of the other numbers. We also spotted a pattern.
    Rolling 2 – 1 way
    Rolling 3 – 2 ways
    Rolling 4 – 3 ways
    Rolling 5 – 4 ways
    Rolling 6 – 5 ways
    Rolling 7 – 6 ways
    Rolling 8 – 5 ways
    Rolling 9 – 4 ways
    Rolling 10 – 3 ways
    Rolling 11 – 2 ways
    Rolling 12 – 1 way

  2. s14LParker says:

    Well done, Sebby! Fantastic thinking through your investigation! Keep up the good work with your problem solving!

  3. Reuben o year 1 says:

    These facts were really interesting and made me think a lot. I never knew about the birthday one.

  4. Dominic says:

    I loved those facts! One of my facts is that if you add something to infinity, it will still be infinity.
    One of my other favourite facts is that the number googol (1 followed by 100 zeros) is larger then the number of particles in the entire Universe! The number googol was invented by a 9 year old boy 100 years ago in 1920.
    I also love number Pi. People use it to find the area and circumference of a circle. The number Pi has infinite decimal places and I can write 102 of them from memory. One day I wrote 1000 digits of Pi on a notepad.
    There is a funny number called an imaginary number i. It is a square root of -1.
    I love maths!

  5. Holly K says:

    My favourite number is 3 because its lucky.
    I have done lots of counting.

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