2nd March

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7 Responses to 2nd March

  1. Year 5 says:

    Charles Darwin
    – he didn’t like school – thought it was boring
    – he trained to be doctor at University but changed his mind because he didn’t like blood
    – on the Galapagos Islands, he discovered different types of finches which lead to his theory of evolution
    – his image was on a £10 note because he hugely influenced the world with his theory of evolution – he is a influential person
    – the tree of life was created by Charles – it shows that all animals are linked
    – the voyage was 5 years
    – he suffered from sea sickness
    – HMS Beagle was the name of his ship

  2. s14smiah says:

    Our topic in Year 6 is Darwin’s Delight therefore we already knew lots about him. Charles Darwin didn’t like Greek or Latin at school. The voyage lasted 5 years and the ship he sailed on was HMS beagle. He trained to be a doctor at university to be like his Dad but he didn’t enjoy it. Darwin discovered a variety of unfound species and animals that had unique characteristics. Darwin’s statue and artifacts can be found in The Natural History Museum.

    In lessons, Year 6 have plotted the route that Darwin took on HMS Beagle when he went around he world. We looked at the different countries and the conditions on the ship.

  3. Foundation 2 says:

    Foundation 2 discussed Charles Darwin in simple terms. We discussed how he was an important scientists and made important discoveries.

  4. Year 1 says:

    Orla told us that Charles Darwin didn’t like school and was very unhappy there. His Dad wanted him to be a doctor but Jack told us that he wasn’t happy doing that as he couldn’t stand the sight of blood. He was then persuaded to study to be a vicar but once again he had a passion for animals and nature.
    He was given the opportunity to go on board the HMS Beagle as the ship’s naturalist and he persuaded his father to let him go. Alfie told us that the journey was not easy and he was very sick at times but never gave up. It took 5 years.
    He loved being on the Galapagus Islands and travelling to different countries. Hollie said he discovered animals that had never been seen before including finches and the Galapagos tortoises.
    Year 1 are interested in learning about Science and asking lots of questions so they enjoyed the assembly today. Thank you.
    Gwen said his picture is on the back of a £10 note because he is a famous scientist.
    Holly said she admired him because he followed his dreams and never gave up.

  5. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 loved the assembly on Darwin and had remembered that Darwin that he didn’t like school. They now know that his face is on the 10 pound note because he is a very famous scientist.
    Year 2 were learning about sailors last term and they said that Darwin went on a voyage for a long time and he found out lots of information about different species of animals.

  6. Miss Payne says:

    We talked in class about Charles Darwin and who he was. He is famous because he wrote a theory about life on earth in a book. He called it ‘The Theory of Evolution’. Even though he had this theory he still believed in God and believed he created the world. He even thought when he was younger he might like to work in an Anglican church!!
    He was a scientist and explorer but didn’t enjoy school when he was younger. He traveled to a place called the Galapagos Islands where he made lots of notes on birds and lizards and bugs. He was interested in why animals that seemed to be the same were actually very different.
    We talked about the Tree of Life and that all life on earth is connected somehow. We are all connected to each other!!
    We had such an interesting discussion about this today!!

  7. Year 4 says:

    Lexi – Charles D didn’t like school, he found it boring
    Dylan – He trained to be a doctor but he didn’t like it
    Ellis – He different types of finches which lead to his theory of evolution
    Hannah – Admires CD because of his collection of beetles
    Zack – The tree of life was what he thought animals could go on to show how they are all linked
    Eva – His collections are at the Natural History Museum
    Connor – The ship was called HMS Beagle
    James – He voyage was up to 5 years long

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