11th November

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7 Responses to 11th November

  1. Foundation 2 says:

    Foundation 2 discussed what bullying is and why it is important to tell teachers and grown ups if anyone feels like they are being bullied. We also discussed how we can be a “good friend.”

    “We can play together nicely” Ella
    “We can share your toys with your friends” Aiden
    “We can always use ‘kinds hands’ at playtime” Molly G

  2. Year 1 says:

    Sebby said that a bully targets the same person everyday. Gwen said a bully can hurt you on the outside by hitting or pushing you but can also hurt you on the inside by saying unkind things which can hurt your feelings.
    Orla said that bullies try and get their own back. Chandler said that bullies can be unkind for no reason. We talked about bullies and how sometimes they can be unhappy themselves.
    Dylan said you should speak out because you need to help your friends to stop bullying.
    The children said that teachers, friends, Mums and Dads, grandparents, siblings and Aunties and Uncles and people we trust can help us.

    The messages on the posters tell us to STOP BULLYING and SPEAK OUT to stop bullying. Ava, Eva and Pippa said the superheroes poster was their favourite. Albie and Jack said they liked the T-Rex poster. Sophia liked the acrostics poem saying Bully.

    Year 1 are all working hard to be kind to each other and to be good friends.

  3. s14cpayne says:

    Ellie says You should never bully, because it could hurt other peoples feelings and make them sad.
    Amelia thinks that if you are being bullied you should always tell an adult so they can put a stop to it.
    Year 3 think that someone who is being bullied might look ok on the outside but be feeling horrible on the inside.
    We wore odd socks to show that we are all different but we are the same inside. said Finley.
    Oscar said although we were wearing odd socks it didn’t matter.
    We think that that although we might look different we are all the same inside and have the same feelings.

  4. Year 2 says:

    Year 2 talked a lot about what bullying is and the effect that it can have on people. We watched the 2019 Change Starts with us video and discussed all if the things that need to change if bullying is to stop. We said that bullying is when someone is unkind to you and it happens a lot. Year 2 made posters about the things that we need to do in order to stop bullying. These things include always being kind, respectful, including others and smiling at people to make people feel happy.

  5. Mrs Arnold says:

    Some thoughts from year 4 on bullying:
    A bully says rude words, sometimes they are jealous and can be a bit mean. They can also hurt you physically. (Ava)
    Some people are bullies because they are jealous. If someone has lots of shiny stuff, people can get jealous of that and take that out on someone. (Lily)

  6. olivia says:


  7. s14smiah says:

    Year 6:
    What do you think a bully does?
    Repeatedly hurting someone’s feeling or someone deliberately.

    Why do you think people bully?
    Maybe because they are struggling with something or are insecure and it is their way of dealing with it. They also might be jealous. They may also be getting bullied themselves.

    Why should you SPEAK OUT?
    Because it is really important that you talk to someone so that you don’t feel down and upset. If you tell a responsible adult, they can help you to sort out a problem. Rylee said that if you are being bullied, you should try not to show them any reaction so that they stop. Joel said you should try to stand up for yourself.

    Who can help you if you are being bullied?
    Responsible adults: teachers, parents, grandparents, police and childline.

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