1st April

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6 Responses to 1st April

  1. Anonymous says:

    Year 4 have thought about what makes a good friend and what friendship means. We have come up with a recipe for a good friend:
    2 tablespoons of happiness
    A pinch of kindness
    1 handful of honesty
    1 litre of respect
    3 heaped tablespoons of sharing
    A squirt of helpfulness
    A sprinkle of co-operation
    100g of joy

    We are going to work hard on our friendships in Year 4.

  2. s14cpayne says:

    We enjoyed the video of Woody and Buzz 🙂

    Here is Year 3’s class recipe for a JUICY Friendship:

    * 2 tablespoons of kindness
    * A pinch of understanding
    * 100g of happiness
    * A handful of love
    * A spoon of excitement
    * 175g of playfulness
    * A sprinkle of helpfulness
    * A squirt of loveliness

    Mix with gratefulness and a dash of trust.
    Bake in the oven of life for many years until the friendship is SOLID.

    Enjoy with laughter and sunshine!

  3. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 loved the clip of Buzz and Woody in Toy Story and were able to easily tell me that the missing word was ‘friend’. They said that Buzz and Woody were true friends always there to help and support each other.

    We wrote our own friendship poem:

    2 cups of love,
    A tablespoon of kindness,
    1 mug of trust,
    A sprinkle of thoughtfulness,
    A squirt of helpfulness,
    1 litre of sharing,
    2 tablespoons of good listening,
    500grams of happiness,
    A sprinkle of smiles.

    Mix them all together to get a fabulous friendship of fun and happiness.

    Year 1 loved making the poem and all contributed the ideas! Year 1 think friends are special and definitely worth keeping for years to come.

  4. Year 6 says:

    Here is Year 6s recipe for friendship:

    2 tablespoons of loyalty
    A pinch of kindness
    A handful of respect
    1 litre of compliments
    3 heaped tablespoons of trust
    A squirt of happiness
    A sprinkle of forgiveness
    100g of understanding.

    Buzz and Woody were not there for each other initially but they soon realised how much they needed each other and became firm friends.

  5. Year 5 says:

    Year 5 says:

    Are they there for each other?
    Yes because in the video they had their arms round each other and they saved each others lives. The song also implied that they were friends ‘You’ve got a friend in me’.
    Do they trust each other?
    Yes, defintely because you can tell they are best and close friends by their facial expressions. Also, when Woody was about to die, he trusted Buzz to save him.

    Recipe for friendship:
    A sprinkle of love and a spoonful of memories
    A sprinkle of respect and a spoonful of trust
    A sprinkle of rainbow smiles and a spoonful of happiness
    A tablespoon of teamwork
    A tonne of fun.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Year 2 watched the Toy Story video and talked about the many ways to be a good friend. We said that being kind was really important in class as then others will be kind back. We talked about sharing and caring , being happy and respectful, working together and having fun with everyone!
    We made our recipe of friendship and had a very long list of what went in our recipe!

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