Monday 18th March

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4 Responses to Monday 18th March

  1. s14cpayne says:

    In Year 3 we know that:
    Fats are used for energy but you should not eat too many of them.
    Carbohydrates are used for energy!
    Fibre is used for digestion and making you go to the toilet regularly.
    Fruits and veg are good for fighting off illnesses.
    Protein is good for building muscles to make you strong!
    Dairy and calcium are used for building bones.

    Jack says that Sunday dinner is a very healthy meal because you end up eating most of the food groups! YUM YUM!
    Jack says be careful though that you don’t have too much pudding.
    Keeleigh likes a good salad with carrots, lettuce cucumber and a few tomatoes.
    Beans on toast with cucumber, tomato and lettuce on the side is one of Adah’s favourites!
    Lily likes cauliflower, running beans, peas, brocolli and some pork with gravy on top!

  2. Foundation says:

    In Foundation we talked a long time about the different food groups and what is healthy for us. Pippa told us it was important to eat healthy so it keeps us fit and Luke said it would make us big and strong.

    Orla said she thought a balanced diet was salad, carrot and cucumber. Mrs Norris said that a balanced lunch would be to have salad sandwich, an apple, some sliced meat such as beef or ham, some calcium like cheese (then perhaps a small treat :)).

  3. s14LParker says:

    Year 1 have been talking a lot about being healthy in our Jigsaw work. Poppy said fruit and vegetables are good for us because they are healthy. Finley said they give us energy. Edward said they don’t have fat in them. Elliot said they have good vitamins. Archie said they make you big and strong. Joe said they help you to grow.
    Starchy foods are foods like rice and pasta that give us energy.
    Matthew said that we need protein for growth and repair.
    We talked about drinks that are good for us. Everybody agreed that water was the best to keep you healthy. Charlie said milk is good for your bones and teeth as it has calcium in it. Max said that we should not have lots of fizzy drinks as they have lots of sugar in them which is bad for your teeth.
    We all had a go at designing a healthy meal with good protein, carbohydrates and vegetables to keep us fit and well.

    We are all going to think carefully about good choices when we eat our meals.

  4. Year 4 says:

    Year 4 Spoke about healthy eating and thought about the energy we get from the food we eat. We talked about having a balanced and varied diet and eating everything in moderation. We discussed the fact we need to eat a variety of food to keep us strong and healthy.

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