Miss Mason’s Challenge to Year 3

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11 Responses to Miss Mason’s Challenge to Year 3

  1. holly and leo says:

    You should water your plants 3 times a week but only if it doesnt rain. That we are doing a plant investuregastion.
    Give your plant a fair amount of water and sunshine. Give your plant some space because if its all sqashed up the roots will get tangled up. Put it in a space where the children want mess with them or don’t pick them.

  2. harvey harry says:

    Harveyand harry think that first you need a seed the type of seeds that we might need is a bean seed. If you want some water to measure it you will need a jug that has like i would say 100 ml.
    Things you need is sun water maybe some light and the final thing you will need is some soil and a pot but make sure that the pots you buy are the same size.

  3. Lydia and George says:

    We are doing a investigating about plants and we would like to tell you what you need so that they do not die.
    You need:
    sun light
    You could get some flowers or some veg to plant

  4. zakary and Ariet says:

    We are learning about plants we wear in 5 groups my group is the the cheswick butterflys and Ariet’s is the plant explosion. Some plants went in the coberd some whent near the windosill and some went out side.

  5. anjali & macy says:

    dear, miss mason
    we have been learing about plants and are in groups I am in the cheswick green nature gardens and macy is in cheswick green butterflys.we are doing a investigion on plant macy has done grass sand soil water and anjali has done a cup full of no water, one with lots and one with a little.we have to water them, macy waters them on wensdays and anjali does it on Fridays.

  6. F.a N.b says:

    To help plants grow you need:
    a seed
    First put the soil in the pot
    Nexts pock a hole in the soil wich is in the pot and put the seed inside the soil.
    Then cover it up with the soil
    Finally water in and leave it for a few days
    Your lovley plants

  7. Joseph & Jacob says:

    Well, we have been doing an investigation on plants.To look after them,you must:
    water them(not to much because they will die)
    give them sun and shade
    plant them in soil

  8. Amelia says:

    you will need: You will need to water them once a week and we have been doing a exspeiment by putting 1 in the
    cubord and 1 inn the chatterbox itis fun but the 1 in the cubord grew the best
    a pot


    a seed

    and water

  9. cbakewe jmarkey says:

    We have been doing a investagation of plants.We have been in groups we put some in cubords,gave somewater,some none,we put some out side and some bye the window.You should put a little bit of water and put it bye the window
    and take care of it be really care ful

  10. s14CMason says:

    Gosh Year 3! There is a lot to think about to make sure that any plants I buy for school are looked after properly. You are helping me a lot thank you.
    Does anyone know any good plants I could get that would also look good?

    Miss Mason

  11. hwitherspoon says:

    In year 3 we have been learning all about plants in science and we are growing some and the one in the cubard is growing
    and my group have put are plants on the windowsill and one has no water one has some and the other one has lots of water and the other group have put theirs outside and every friday we water ours in a tray and my group is called the green nature garderners and also you need some water a seed composs and some light good look growing

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