12th November

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7 Responses to 12th November

  1. Year 3 says:

    Year 3 followed up Miss Mason’s assembly with a discussion on bullying. We thought about what bullying is. James said it is when people say horrible things lots of times. Eva said that if people punch it can be bullying.Neil said that bullies can try and make you do things that you don’t want to do. Laila shared that calling names and hurting you can be bulling behaviour.
    Archie said that sometimes people bully because they have been bullied themselves. People who become bullies are sometimes very unhappy about things in their nown lives.
    Megan said that you should always speak out so that teachers/ a trusted adult can help you. Anaya talked about the importance of sharing with an adult.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Year 5 says:
    What do you think a bully does?
    Teases someone, makes fun of them, maybe is physical towards them, calling names, harassing other people over a period of time and they don’t stop.

    Why do you think people bully?
    We think people bully because they might want to show off to other people, they might be insecure about themselves, they also might be going through a difficult time and not know how to cope with their emotions, they also might be jealous of them.

    Why should you SPEAK OUT?
    If you keep it to yourself it could get worse and it will keep giving you bad thoughts and making you feel sad. However, it can be tricky to speak out and tell someone as you may be scared.

    Who can help you if you are being bullied?
    Adults (trusted adults) such as teachers, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles and other family members.

  3. Foundation says:

    Foundation talked about Miss Mason’s assembly. Orla said that Bullying was when you are not kind and Albie said that people can be bullies when they yell at others.
    We talked about what its like to be a bully and how we should behave.
    Holly K said that we need to tell an adult, parent or teacher if someone is Bullying you.

  4. Year 6 says:

    Year 6 think that any type of bullying is unacceptable. We know there are different types of bullying and have recently been learning about CYBERBULLYING. This could be harder for someone to avoid as the bully could keep sending messages if you have not blocked them and this can continue at home. We know in Year 6 that we would tell a trusted adult about any type of bullying and make sure we SPEAK OUT.
    A person who bullies someone else has a cowardly attitude and we think that sometimes they are jealous of the people they are targeting. We also think that sometimes maybe the bully is sad and is taking out their problems on other people. If we speak to a trusted adult about the bully they could help solve their problems too.
    Just remember to always SPEAK OUT so we can stay safe and put a stop to any kind of bullying!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Year 2 talked about how important it is to tell someone if they are being bullied. We could tell our teacher, our parents, the dinner supervisors or any adult in school. We also talked about how bullying makes us feel lots of emotions such as unhappy, cross, angry sad and worried- that is not what Cheswick Green School is about.
    On Friday we are going to design our anti- bullying posters to take home.

  6. Year 1 says:

    Year 1 said that bullies push you over, hurt your feelings, say unkind words, trick and tease you, shout at you and can hit you.
    Poppy thought that people could bully if they fall out with someone. Finley said people can bully if they are cross themselves.
    Elliot said that they might bully because they are being bullied themselves or may be unhappy.
    Dylan said they may not have any friends and might want to be mean to others.
    Year 1 said that SPEAKING OUT was important so that you could help the person being bullied and also help the person doing the bullying and find out what is making them bully others.
    Year 1 said they would talk to their Mums and Dads, grandparents, older brothers and sisters, teachers and lunchtime supervisors.
    We enjoyed looking at the posters and are going to have a go at designing our own posters this week! Bullying is not acceptable.

  7. kya says:

    I think bullying makes people upset,angry and make them not come to school.They bully because they think its fun.

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