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6 Responses to 13.10.17

  1. Jamie says:

    My favourite part of this week was playing my viola and being able to bring it home and play it to my family.
    Alice’s day was weird because magic things happened.
    I tried balancing along a bench on to an apparater.

  2. Tommy says:

    My favourite part was p.e I liked going on he apparater.magical because she grew bigger by eating a cake.I tried to walk up the bench while balancing it was fun and I managed to do it.

  3. Archie Wilson says:

    My favourite part of the week was when I painted my potion bottle. I can’t wait to take it home at the end of term. I also liked history. I could describe Alice’s day as peculiar because she went down a rabbit hole. The balance I tried out was: 1) into the crawling position. 2) Lift your left hand and left leg into the air. <— Balance

  4. Jacob N says:

    My favourite part of the week was playing the cello and making the potion bottles. I haven’t painted mine yet, so I am looking forward to this.
    I think Alice’s day was weird because the rabbit had pink eyes, waistcoat and an old fashion watch.
    In P.e. I enjoyed balancing with one hand and one foot on the apparatus.

  5. Max says:

    I really enjoy playing the viola and learning the chords. Alice had a really cool because she saw lots of magical things she hadn’t seen before.
    I tried a balance on one leg on the high apparatus which was rather challenging.

  6. Ellie says:

    My favorite part of this week has been the Think Tank

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